Roof slope cheat
#1 11-06-2014 
I know I've used this before, I think on the last High Street lot and definitely on the Gull cottage also built on my AGS Seasons slot. When I put the cheat in and click on the roof it keeps saying 'location out of bounds'
Because I couldn't remember the exact wording of the cheat I Googled and copy and pasted what I found. IndividualRoofSlopeAngle number. I tried greater and smaller numbers with the same result. It's the roofing tool I have to use isn't it? I'm too spoiled by the AL roof slope tool.
joandsarah, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Mar 2013.

#2 11-06-2014 
IIRC, you need to enter IndividualRoofSlopeAngle 25 and the last roof you placed will magically change to 25 degrees. (Of course, you can replace the 25 with any other number you like.) If it's not that, then it's that you enter IndividualRoofSlopeAngle 25 and then place a roof on a empty spot (not somewhere there's a roof already). Pretty sure the answer is one or the other of those, but I never remember which one.

If you want all the roofs the same, you can place them and then enter RoofSlopeAngle 25.

And remember that you can replace 25 with whatever number you want in all the examples. Smile

#3 11-06-2014 
Well that's what I'm doing, IndividualRoofSlopeAngle number I've tried 25, 30 and 35 but location out of bounds is what I am getting when I click on either roof with the roof tool. I was wondering if I had the cheat incorrect, but that looks the same as what you typed. The roof has been on for quite awhile, but that shouldn't effect it. Maybe I should remove and replace it. Thanks esme. It will have to wait until tomorrow now as I've since loaded up my medieval hood and I'm about to post my blacksmith in his new hunky apron. Wink

#4 11-06-2014 
Are you holding down Alt and Ctrl together when you click on the roof?

#5 11-06-2014 
That's it! No I didn't, my memory is terrible. Thank you.


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