I'm Skellington7d, also known around as SevenSkellington and Whattheskell but you can just call me "Skell" if you want. I've been in the TS2 community for about three and a half years now, writing a story on LJ and making lots of Maxis Match CC. I thought I'd join up here because I like the content and you seem like a pretty cool crowd. Every so often I go on a CC making rampage, so I'll probably share some of that here too.
Skellington7d, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jun 2014.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something y'all might be interested in is my Maxis Match Repository project, where I've been repositorying (and revamping/recategorizing) any and all clothing conversions and separates for the smallest possible file size, pinned with the correct EP/SPs in the catalog.
This pond gets more awesome all the time. Hi, Skell! Welcome to Lee's awesome, cool pond.
* mustluvcatz replenishes the trail of fish food
(fish food = cookies in this case, lol)
* mustluvcatz replenishes the trail of fish food
(fish food = cookies in this case, lol)