still not dead ;)
#1 06-07-2014 
Am just having a rough patch. Only have net on mobile for the week or so. So haven't been around. Just didn't want anyone worrying *side eyes the fish* Miss chatting with you all! Hugs!!
a.k.a amotheroffourgirlswhosslowlylos​​singhermindmoreandmoreveryday

#2 06-07-2014 
Miss you, jones, will be thinking and praying for you. Take care, God bless xxx

#3 06-07-2014 
Heart {{{hugs}}} Heart
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#4 07-07-2014 
[Image: hug.gif]
Good to know you're still not dead. Hope the internet sorts out soon!

#5 07-07-2014 
Hope it all gets sorted out Joni! xx

#6 07-07-2014 
* leefish huggles Jones

Let us know if there is anything we can do to help - do you need anything doing on the contest at MTS?

#7 07-07-2014 
* NixNivis huggles Jones, too

Not dead is good, but only Net on mobile, ouch. Sad I hope everything gets sorted out soon!

#8 07-07-2014 
Actually,lee, if you wouldn't mind updating the score table with final scores that be great.

#9 07-07-2014 
ok, I will have a go at that with some help from Karen and Tiff Big Grin

#10 07-07-2014 
Thanks, lee! You could have Klaartje do the math for you, lol. It is one of her subjects Tongue


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