Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

A new program is out to help you with graphics rules
Click here to download

#721 10-08-2014 
(07-08-2014 05:27 AM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  @KimberlyTanith

OK. As I recall, you were having problems with crashing going into a lot?
Does that occur with the Video Card in?

Hey Kiri,

Yea it's crashing anytime I try to enter into a lot.
Well I would assume the Video Card is in all the time? It's a laptop and I dont take out/off anything.

#722 10-08-2014 
@KimberlyTanith Sorry Kimberly - I meant the video cards.sgr file rather than the video card itself. Smile So it's still happening with the new file in it. But it isn't creating an exception file in the logs folder.

When the lot crashes - does it close down the game, or does it hang and you have to close the game yourself?

@Renomi Looking at your config - it looks ok to me. What is the problem?

@githugus I need to see the whole config-log.txt to be able to see what's happening. The graphics-log.txt is normally empty - so that is not your problem.

@EvilPicnic Where exactly did you put the graphic rules? The reason that I ask is that the config-log.txt doesn't show any trace which would suggest that it's not picking up the card.

@Simmerfan28 I need to see your config-log.txt to see what has happened.
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2014 05:29 AM by celebkiriedhel.)

#723 10-08-2014 
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Thanks Kiri, yes, that was my config-log from a clean install sorry, so without making any alterations that's what it generates.

I've attached the config-log now that is generated after attempting a start with the NVidia-TextureFix files copied into \Config\ and \CSConfig\:

.txt  ORANGEBOX-config-log.txt (Size: 10.49 KB / Downloads: 414)

#724 10-08-2014 
(10-08-2014 05:23 AM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  @KimberlyTanith Sorry Kimberly - I meant the video cards.sgr file rather than the video card itself. Smile So it's still happening with the new file in it. But it isn't creating an exception file in the logs folder.

Yes unfortunately, it's still crashing with the new file.
The game remains open with the hour glass spinning, it'd have to manually close it down myself Sad

#725 11-08-2014 
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.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 36.76 KB / Downloads: 539) why are there out reading like this when I run the sims 2 ...
Is there something wrong ...

failed to enumerate any DirecX 9 Compatible grafics adapter in this system!
please make sure you have a Direcx 9 Compatible grafics adapter and have installerd the latest manufacturer provided driver.

#726 12-08-2014 
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I have followed everything, I am running windows 8.1, the game works fine, but I can not remove those black squares whether going into the system or editing the config file, the black squares are still there, I have gone into compatibility mode and that does not work either. I have also tried to add the file here from config, it will not let me add it, I have tried to attach it as a file attachment and it would not let me attach it there.

Attached File(s)
.txt  IDEA-PC-config-log.txt.txt (Size: 10.4 KB / Downloads: 403)
(This post was last modified: 12-08-2014 07:27 PM by clovrboy1.)

#727 12-08-2014 
@clovrboy1 you can attach the file by naming it with a txt extension .

#728 12-08-2014 
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someone help me please...
im so confused 3 days for fix this problem....

#729 12-08-2014 
@monicha Sorry - I missed your post when I was working.
Looking at your DXDiag report, it looks like it should be fine.
EA The Sims 2 - Failed to find a Direct X 9.0c compatible graphics adapter' or 'Graphic Adapter failure' error message

This is EA's explanation of what you need to do.

My explanation is -
Step 1: Make sure your graphics driver is up to date.
Step 2: Do the steps in the EA to see if it helps.
Step 3: Run the Graphic Rules maker as per the top of this thread, and see if that helps.
Step 4: Come back to me with the config-log.txt and I'll see if I can tweak the Graphic Rules to fix this.
Step 5: Go to EA and ask for help there. Be prepared when they ask, that you have a vanilla game with no hacks because that is the first thing that they will ask for.

@clovrboy1 Set your shadows to medium and they will go away.

@KimberlyTanith It's not a graphics problem.

What I'm trying to narrow down on here - is the type of game problem-

If you are playing with CC and hacks in the game - there could be corruption or conflicting CC that would cause this problem.

If you aren't playing with CC and hacks - but you are playing a hood that you had before you installed UC, it could be that there is an incompatibility between the old and new version. This has been happening in the community, so it's worth checking for.

If you are playing a brand new hood, vanilla and it's looping on a vacant lot - then that suggests that the UC isn't prepared to work on the VMplayer. At which point I'm not able to help you, and you'll have to go back to EA with the questions, and hope that they have answers. Please note - you'll need to tell them in your very first post that it's a VM Player and your O/S and machine and that you have a new hood and it's got no CC or hacks - otherwise they'll get lost in their pre-programmed answers.


1. When you are trying to go onto a lot - is it a vacant lot or built on? Or is it any and every lot? Is it in Build mode or Sims Mode.
2. Are you playing with a vanilla game or with CC and/or hacks?
3. Are you playing with a new hood?

It's worth trying out the whole vanilla thing - by renaming your 'The Sims 2' folder in your my documents area where you have your playing game and hood and CC etc.
Then start up the game and let it generate a new hood. Go into that and see if you can go into a vacant lot with no objects or sims.

#730 12-08-2014 
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I have already set the shadows to medium the black squares/shadows are still there when playing.
OMG the tool that is listed here worked..............after downloading and having the sims2 ultimate collection for about 1.5 almost 2 weeks now, the tool that is posted worked fixed the problems within the game.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option
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