Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

A new program is out to help you with graphics rules
Click here to download

#741 19-08-2014 
I'm at a loss. I'm sorry. I would suggest asking at EA as the last resort.

#742 19-08-2014 
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@celebkiriedhel I thought I'd just give it one more shot and show you my log to see if you can see if there's anything wrong cause to me it makes no sense haha Smile Thanks

Log generated on 8/18/2014, 18:12

=== Application info ===
Name: The Sims 2 EP9
Build: ReleaseSRT
=== Machine info ===
OS version: Windows NT 6.0
CPU: 2514.399902Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 1024MB
Free memory: 1024MB
User: glitt_000
=== Sound device info ===
Name: Unknown
Driver: Unknown
=== Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): Intel® HD Graphics
Name (database): Intel® HD Graphics <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>
Vendor: Intel
Chipset: Vendor: 8086, Device: 0106, Board: 06491025, Chipset: 0009
Driver: igdumd32.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B78E66-4246-11CF-867E-4326B7C2C435
Driver version: 3347
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Monitor aspect: 1.782383, 16:9
Screen mode: 1366x768x32BPP,60Hz
Texture memory: 1760MB
HW T&L: Fixed function:1 Programmable:3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Texture stages: 8
AppControlledAA: 1

#743 19-08-2014 
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Hello @celebkiriedhel! Before I bug you with my problems I just wanted to say thank you for taking up your time to help all of us! It's very kind of you! Smile

I switched to Ultimate Collection when it came out last month, and I lost the ability to do smooth edges. Everything else is completely fine graphics-wise, it's just that one little option that's grayed out. I have the Intel HD Graphics card. I added my card to the Video Cards file and got your Graphics Rules fix for the Intel cards which included the texture memory fix, but it hasn't made a difference. Usually I'd be fine without the smooth edges, but I've just started up a new tumblr and I wanted to upload some nice quality pictures without the jagged, ugly edges!

.txt  STEPH-HP-config-log.txt (Size: 10.48 KB / Downloads: 437)

#744 20-08-2014 
CPU: 1866.199951Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
This is the reason why its stopping you from using the smoothing edges. That's less than the spec for Low. The problem isn't your graphics card - it's your CPU. Now it sounds like you were playing it ok previously? Is that correct? What's your actual CPU?

That's not the full config-log and you need to attach it not copy and paste it. The only thing on there that could change is the definition in the video cards.sgr but I sincerely doubt that it would make a difference. It is time for you to go ask at EA.

#745 20-08-2014 
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When I checked my processor in my computer properties it says: Intel® Core ™ i3 CPU U 380 @1.33GHz. Is this what I'm looking for or is it something else?

I could've sworn I didn't have any options grayed out before. I took a look at some screenshots of my game from several months back and I'm not sure if I had smooth edges on since some pictures look smoother than others...maybe I just don't have enough CPU to run smooth edges. After all, I am playing on a laptop.

#746 20-08-2014 
Yup that's what I was looking for. You have a clock speed of 1866MHz, and dual cores - dual cores don't turn up on the graphic rules, unfortunately (because Sims 2 was invented before Dual cores).
I'm a bit nervous about updating to allow smooth edges, because it's going to be a strain on your CPU, and that can cause other problems. However you actually do have dual cores which does allow for it.

What I'll do is, I'll set you up a card similiar to the MED CPU card - but with more turned off. What I'd like you to do - is be careful with what happens.

First of all I want you to install a heat monitor to check if the temperatures jump too high - compare the heat generated from your laptop with Sims2 to something else that your laptop can cope with.
If it overheats - you need to shut your game down to let the laptop cool down.

Second of all - if you get flickering or pink flashing textures - this is showing that the smooth edges is too much for your laptop. You will need to remove the graphic rules sgr and replace it with the original.

I'll link you to a heat monitor when I put up the card. I use one all the time - it's not hard to use.

#747 20-08-2014 
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Sounds great, thank you so much! Smile

#748 20-08-2014 
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the problem is that my game crashes everytime when I'm click on icon of models for !adult! sims in Create-A-Sim Т_Т
I don't know what to do. I haven't tried to install bodyshop for sims 2 on windows8. maybe i need install it?

#749 21-08-2014 
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I just recently discovered this thread like many others who got the free Ultimate Collection. My problem is that I get the "Failed to find DirectX 9.0c....)" error unless I run with the "-w" suffix in the shortcut's properties. I've tried the Graphics Rules Maker and it makes everything look fine in my log (though I'll still upload it), but the game still fails to start in fullscreen mode. I wouldn't have a problem with running in windowed, but the only resolution available to choose in windowed mode is 640x480. Frankly, that's just way too small to enjoy on my 1080p screen lol, not to mention it's really annoying not being able to edge scroll. Has anyone else had this problem and been able to fix it? I looked through the thread and wasn't able to find a fix. I'm on W8.1 with SLI 670s, so running this game should be no problem. Thank you!

Attached File(s)
.txt  CODY-config-log.txt (Size: 10.26 KB / Downloads: 442)

#750 22-08-2014 
I haven't seen this problem before. You are correct in saying that your graphic rules is fine

uintProp maxResWidth 1920
uintProp maxResHeight 1080
uintProp defaultResWidth 1920
uintProp defaultResHeight 1080

Although - this is what it is saying about your screen device:
stringProp activeDeviceDisplayMode 800x600x32x0
Which probably part of the reason why you're getting such a small window. (Although that is not 640x480).

So while I can look at things, and suggest things I have no idea what will work or not. What I can do is give you the list of things that I would do, if I had this problem.

First Step Create a Vanilla Hood and No CC to test on.
Just rename your game folder in My Documents, and let the game regenerate a new one. That's so we don't have to worry about whether it is a CC or Hack issue. (It's important to do this, to escape the unhelpful bumpf from EA if we have to go there at the end).
Remove the .cache files from the \My Documents\EA\The Sims 2\ folder. They will regenerate. (Reason why - the cache files are notorious for corrupting, so removing them removes one more reason why it may not work).

PHASE ONE - Try and Get Full screen Working

Step One-01 Apparently they are updating UC every so often - so go in to Origin and see if there's an update. It may be something they've fixed.

Step One-02
Try EA's sugestion on how to fix DirectX 9.0c error.
EA The Sims 2 - Failed to find a Direct X 9.0c compatible graphics adapter' or 'Graphic Adapter failure' error message

Check if full screen still crashes.
Step One-03
If it still crashes - go back to EA tell them it was an update to date UC, vanilla game without CC or hacks, tell them that you tried their post - and quote it to them. And ask what next.


PHASE 02 - Get Windowed Mode Larger
When you say that only 640x480 is choosable - is anything else choosable or not on your graphics display? (A screen-shot would be good, thanks).

In the meantime there are a number of command line options that you can put in your game - and I managed to test one that changed the resolution!

In your short cut - put in the following prefix (in red)

"D:\EA\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\TSBin\Sims2EP9.exe" -r1600x900 -w
(this my shortcut with address - don't change yours to match mine, it won't work).
The width and height can be what you set (as long as they are in ratio - my maximum screen is the values above)

note - there is a space between the end of the url in double quotes and the -r<width>x<height> AND between that and the -w that makes it windowed.

These are the valid command line options.

-nosound Disable sound
-f Full screen
-r<width>x<height> Set screen resolution
-w Windowed screen
(This post was last modified: 22-08-2014 06:46 AM by celebkiriedhel.)


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option
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