#1 21-09-2014 
Hi everyone! I'm Maple. wave I've been playing the Sims series for 14 years now (TS2 in particular) but never really interacted with the community. I'm a little less shy now, so I thought I would join and say hello! This seems like a friendly community and I love the downloads. Smile Now I must find all the things I have downloaded already and click the thank button...

Let's see, a bit about me: I play 'Maxis Match' I guess? I live in the southeastern part of the US and I have two pet gerbils. Although I have a computer science degree, I've never fiddled with mods/hacks. They seem intimidating!

#2 21-09-2014 
Hi Maple! Welcome to the pond! We are indeed a friendly, if sometimes slightly mad, bunch Smile Have fun around here!

#3 21-09-2014 
Welcome Maple Big Grin

#4 21-09-2014 
Hi Maple, pleased to see you. Smile

[Image: welcome.gif]

#5 21-09-2014 
Hi and welcome to leefish Smile

* leefish likes gerbils

#6 21-09-2014 
Welcome to Leefish! Maples are my favourite trees this time of year. Smile

#7 21-09-2014 
Welcome Maple! I'm in central Florida - it's good to have another 'Southerner' swimmin' with us Wink
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, ...do you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#8 21-09-2014 

#9 21-09-2014 
Hi Maple

Welcome to Leefish, I'm the sane one Big Grin

#10 21-09-2014 
Hi, Maple, I'm Ginnie, the sane one here (ignore the previous poster). I do the updates for Boo's Saving the Sims franchise, so I get to know all the neat downloads! Watch Lee - "* leefish likes gerbils" has missing words, which are "for breakfast"!


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