Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

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#811 05-10-2014 

You need the Video Cards.sgr as well.
Install it in the same place as you did with the Graphic Rules.

That will fix your problem.

#812 06-10-2014 
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Hi, I sent an e-mail requesting help. I need to send files and screen shots to you in order to better explain the whole problem. Thank you in advanced.

#813 06-10-2014 
@Thesims2wizard I haven't received any emails.

Please post your request and files on this thread.

#814 06-10-2014 
That would be the chap who contacted me via the contact form.

@Thesims2wizard read the first post in the thread. Provide those files and info as requested. The things you need to tell us are right above the reply box.

#815 06-10-2014 
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Hi, thanks, sorry about that, I kind of feel that other people can see the file and my info Sad

Anyway.....So this is my story basically. I have an ASUS laptop Intel core i3 using a HD 4000 graphics card which comes with it.
I am installing the game from my disks (DVD's) which I have had for many years. They're all original.
So, I get down to installing them, when I install double deluxe, all is fine. When I install the Expansion packs, at the end of each one it says " The product will now ensure that your existing installation is up to date" so I click "ok" and it all goes well and I then quit. and I do this for the rest of them. All is fine. The last EP I have is Buon Voyage. I installed that too.

Now then here is where it gets mind boggling. If I am connected o the internet and run the game it says "windows is searching for a solution to the problem" (something like that anyway) so I got passed that by just disconnecting from the internet. Then the game works fine.

When I load the game and enter a neighbourhood for example Pleasantview, it loads and I can hear the music, but the screen is all black, I can see the curser and arrows only. If I click the windows button and go to desktop then click the game from the task bar and it opens again, then its fine, I can see everything as if it were normal.

BUT as soon as I go on "create a family" the thing comes up saying "This program has stopped working, the program will now terminate" or else it might say " The sims 2 EP 6 has stopped working windows is collecting more information about this problem."

That's basically it. Just in case you think I haven't done much, I have tried everything, running in various compatibility modes, windows 7, Xp sp 2,3.....the same problem happens. I even downloaded the Graphics Rules Maker. I had no idea what to do for "Force texture memory" and "default & Maximum resolution" so I left it as it was an I ticked the box that says "High quality on Intel graphics" After I did this the gam then refused to work and said "error, Direct X 9.0....something not found...." can't really remember. I have tried several other things too.... I am so upset by all of this. If you would manage to fix it, it would be a miracle.

Thank you so much for the support you give simmers!!!

The sooner I can get that txt file off the internet the better for privacy reasons that some people will not be happy I shared... Sad

How bizarre is this, I just finished installing sims university and when I put in disk 2 it detected a Trojan! HUH.. any way it installed fine, but I went to play it now everything showed up I even heard the noise in the CD drive but the game just didn't show up....can't see it in task manager either. :O
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2014 08:22 PM by celebkiriedhel.)

#816 06-10-2014 

OK - step 1. lets define the problem exactly.

Your config log (which i've removed btw - so you don't have to worry about it) - says you have SP4 - can you tell me what that is?
So can you tell me what expansion packs and stuff packs that you have, and whether any of them are combined (like Fun with Pets for eg).
SP4 isn't Bon Voyage - so that's not the data that the game checks for this information. Graphics Rules Maker wouldn't work with yours I suspect because you're not using Ultimate Collection.

What operating system do you have?

Step 2 - Do you have an anti-virus program? please run a full scan to make sure that you don't have any dangerous things on your laptop already.

the problems you are having don't sound graphic rules related, but I will try to sort it out with you.

#817 06-10-2014 
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Hi, thank you so much for your help! You really are a kind lady! So just to let you know what games I have, here they are in order.

Sims 2 Double deluxe
Open for Business
Glamorous life stuff
Bon Voyage
Apartment life (Which I no longer have the CD for, so I bought a new one today)

So basically I had installed them all up until Buon voyage when all the errors took place. Secondly when I copied the log text for you that was today after I upgraded to Windows 8.1 a few hours ago and I think I only had Double deluxe and University installed possibly when I gave you that text log. atm I just removed all of the games and am re-installing them, arrived at Open for business atm

My operation system is:

Intel Core i3-3217U CPU @ 1.80GH.z 1.80GH.z Installed RAM 4.00 GB (3.89 GB usable) System type 64-bit operating system, x64 based processor Edition windows 8.1
Anything else you require. I am online for around 2 hours more so I'll see your messages instantly.

#818 06-10-2014 
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OMG, You won't believe this, I've just installed until Glamorous life, and decided let me try run it........I already smelt a rat, because when I clicked it, I didn't get that button that comes up saying "Play" instead the white screen with "glamorous life came up" then a message saying "please make sure the sims 2 Gamorous life is in the CD drive, select OK and restart the application. So its not even accepting the CD! Could this be the patches I downloaded early on today from mod the sims 2? together with Monster loader or whatever it's called. But even so I have uninstalled the sims 2 all of them and re-installed so I never re-pasted the patches.... Sad oh my my...

#819 06-10-2014 
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Hi again. SO good news. I installed till pets and it's working. What happened was it was axing for the CD and so I went to properties and in compatibility the box was checked and marked run for XP SP 2 and I just unchecked the box and the game worked well, except a black ox appeared under my sim, which I removed by setting shadows to medium and it was glitch when I was constructing things and I run it for compatibility mode with windows 8.....So people there you have it, upgrade to Windows 8.1 and run in compatibility mode for Windows 8. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH I feel so relieved I feel like inviting all simmers for a picnic! Take care, and I'll be around.

#820 07-10-2014 
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And I back Big Grin This time with another problem.......I had black boxes under my sims when they walked, so I just set the shadows to Medium and I solved it, however the game flickers a lot. When I am in construction mode in constantly flickers as I drag walls and place objects, I thought it would be fine so I just played it like that but after several hours it's really begun to irritate me. Some one said to adjust the "smooth edges" but when I went on that option its greyed out which means I can't touch it. Some one said that its because I am on a laptop....Any suggestions please?


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option
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