Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

A new program is out to help you with graphics rules
Click here to download

#821 13-10-2014 
Hello Im Missy <waves>
OS is windows 7 I have a Nvidia 780M video card, I used the instructions on your site to make my new video card a default for sims 2. I have all EP's. I did a full uninstall and reinstall of all the sims 2 and EP's. I first downloaded your graphics and video and placed them into my config file and it worked I got the hi res that you posted the pictures of. My smooth edges bar also came back. Then for no reason at all I turned off computer turned it back on went to play the game and the resolution went back to the way it was before. I removed all the downloads and just played the game as regular in a different neighborhood and its till the same. Please help it helped once before and I was so excited that it did. But had a relapse. I am attaching my video and graphics .sgr files. Help!!!!

#822 13-10-2014 
The website wont allow me to add config or video .sgr file

This is what it says when I try to download the config and/or video file

Please correct the following errors before continuing:
•The type of file that you attached is not allowed. Please remove the attachment or choose a different type.

The reason I started all this is because I had to replace my prior video card in my PC. When that happened I started to get the texture stretching. And weird screens when changing or purchasing clothes it was distorted.
(This post was last modified: 13-10-2014 09:02 PM by melismcken.)

#823 14-10-2014 

It's not the video cards.sgr that I need to see, it's the -config-log.txt from the logs folder in your playing game. if you just try to add the text file, it won't have a problem.

1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.

To be honest, you're probably better off using the Graphic Rules Maker tagged at the top, as that will put it in all the right places.

#824 14-10-2014 
Hi I tried the graphics program it doesn't find my video card either. Here is my config-log file. I did fix the video.sgr already so its really just the graphics. If your two files fixed this before perhaps some more tweeking with my graphics.sgr. Thank you in advance Smile

Attached File(s)
.txt  MELISSAM-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 10.5 KB / Downloads: 404)

#825 16-10-2014 
I just wanted to show you guys something
.txt  MELISSAM-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 10.42 KB / Downloads: 430) . Did you check out that log file. ITS WORKING NOW. I used your graphics again in the beginning of this post placed it in the config and the csconfig for EP9. Then I decided Im going to go directly on to NVIDIA and check for upgrades to my card there instead of right clicking it in device manager. Did that. THEN IT WAS USING THE CORRECT CARD. Then went in all looked like the hi res BEAUTIFUL.

I then played for awhile and CRASH. I used that CFF program so that you can see more than the 2gb in the game. WALLAA!!! So far so good. Thanks for instructions on this website!!!

#826 16-10-2014 
hello i need help please my sims works fine until i try to create a family then it takes a long time to load. also my graphics are still bad and have tons of little white things around heres my log

Attached File(s)
.txt  CEARA-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 10.38 KB / Downloads: 438)

#827 16-10-2014 

Download this VideoCard and put it in the same place as you put the graphic rules. That should fix your problem.

#828 16-10-2014 
ok so i waited 30 minutes for the create my family screen to finish and it didn't work Sad and the white stuff was still there its like the trees or something but they're just white with text on them.

edit: i did alt tab while waiting for the family screen to finish once again and it crashed omg why and i was using a minimized version and it crashed please help it says

The application has crashed and will terminate error the sims

heres a picture of the white stuff
.txt  CEARA-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 10.21 KB / Downloads: 568)

Attached File(s)
.bmp  Screenshot.bmp (Size: 468.8 KB / Downloads: 1081)
(This post was last modified: 16-10-2014 11:14 AM by frilly.)

#829 16-10-2014 
OK. Couple more questions...

1. Are you playing the game full screen or windowed?
2. Have you tried testing it out on a vanilla hood?

The reason why I ask is that there are a few reasons why you could be having this problem.

a. the graphics driver could be playing up if this came on suddenly.
b. the hood could have corrupted.
c. there could be custom content that is causing the problem.

#830 16-10-2014 
i tried it both ways and it crashed both times but i just got it to work for at least one time but only using a premade character.

whats a vanilla hood lol Sad

i don't have any custom content at all


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option
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