Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

A new program is out to help you with graphics rules
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#851 17-10-2014 
omg it works i followed this video

Smile i tried using that but i didn't put those settings now everything is fine and those white trees aren't there anymore

#852 17-10-2014 
good to hear

#853 17-10-2014 
yes thank you so much for putting up with me lol Smile

#854 15-11-2014 
I fixed my game, Kiri, following your instructions! Yay thank you so much! You are the best!

Heart Heart Heart

#855 15-11-2014 
I'm about to walk out the door so no info from me at the moment. (Bad MLC!)) I just wanted to run this by you and see what you think.

I made a new folder so I could have a mostly cc-free game to test new stuff. (I've done this before and never had any kind of problems.) When that game loads I can't change the smooth edges thing or the resolution. I tried to change the resolution but it changed right back to what it was. I made this new folder right after loading my full game- that game has the resolution I want and I could change the smooth edges thing.

I haven't loaded that full game since making the new folder. I did look at the graphicsrules and it doesn't look like it was modified at any time. (I've never changed anything in it since installing all my games on this computer.) My computer DID update Windows about a week ago but my full game was fine.. as I saw just a couple of days ago. This isn't really a big problem for me since my game still looks pretty like it should, I'd just like to be able to change the smooth edges and maybe the resolution. (Although it's technically fine, I just wanted it a bit bigger.) Should I change anything in the graphicsrules?

P.S. I do plan on loading my full game when I get back later. But it was fine when I last loaded it. (Which, like I said, was right before I made the new folder.) OH! I do have some type of info- after getting the new folder set up, I copy/pasted the Cameras and Config folders from my full game to the new one. Maybe I shouldn't have done that? (Although I've done that before...)

* mustluvcatz is getting "I thought you were ready to leave" looks so... zooooooom, off I go!

#856 16-11-2014 
Karen - Yay!

MLC - Let me know what the full game looks like first - it's usually pretty unlikely that something in the downloads will affect the resolution and anti-alias. Although there could be a problem with the config folder.

When you do the whole game - upload the config-log.txt for me so I can see what is happening. My suspicion is that the windows update has done something, but it's taken a while to filter through.

#857 16-11-2014 
Kiri - Something took a while to filter through and it wasn't anything to do with Windows updating. I loaded my full game, everything was just the way it should be. I tried changing the resolution and smooth edges and it let me. (I put it back of course, lol.) So I loaded my new testing game and tried changing settings. It wouldn't let me- the changes reverted even though I checked yes to keep them. Being the stubborn person I can be I decided to try again. It's fine now. Resolution 1280x1024 and smooth edges half way just the way I like it. I don't get it, I don't understand it but I'll take it!

#858 17-11-2014 
hmmm - I wonder if it was the userProps.xml that was the problem? That's the user-settings for the graphic rules. Sounds to me like the first time it didn't save that file properly and the second time it did. Given that this is windows and windows has problems with sharing - I think that might have been the problem then.

#859 16-12-2014 
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Hi there, I recently installed windows 8 (fresh installation) and then reinstalled the sims 2, I opened bodyshop and I found that all textures weren't showing up, instead only the paths of the textures were showing:

, I have Vaio VPCEA36FA, AMD Mobility Radeon 5000 HD, Chip code 0x68c1, and here's my config-log:

Attached File(s)
.txt  HOME-config-log.txt (Size: 8.34 KB / Downloads: 442)
(This post was last modified: 16-12-2014 07:25 AM by celebkiriedhel.)

#860 16-12-2014 

When you installed your Sims 2 -

1. Did you set the compatibility down 1?
2. Are you running the program as admin?
[Image: attachment.php?aid=2064]

Your graphic rules are all set up ok.

When you reinstalled Sims2, did you change the compatibility of every expansion pack/stuff pack as you installed?
(Or did you install Sims2 Ultimate Collection?)


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option