Plastic windows
#31 28-10-2014 
I like them a lot, textures and mesh look great.

#32 28-10-2014 
I have little to compare the 'modifications' with, but it looks like an excellent *hole in the wall* to me. Smile

#33 28-10-2014 
They're looking great, Oeselian Big Grin

#34 28-10-2014 
Im loving these, they look fantastic!

#35 30-11-2014 
These are amazing. These windows are so common, I'm surprised EA never thought to make them. I'm very happy you did though Big Grin

#36 30-11-2014 
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The window looks awesome! ^_^ Can't wait to see it with the sill! Hope that the sill will have enough slots for plants and other decorative stuff *_* Yeah, I'm big daydreamer XD

But it's a bit strange to me that only one part of it has a handle. There is very similar (but mirrored from left to right) plastic window in my bedroom, and both parts of it are openable → with handles. And almost all plastic windows (in my country they used to call it "Eurowindow") I've seen in my life are fully-openable, so that half-openable window looks a bit unrealistically.

#37 30-11-2014 
Wow, @Oeselian! They look great! This kind of window is extremely common here in Sweden, so I'll be very happy to have it in my game. Big Grin

Re the handle, over here, it's always on the narrow window only, never on both. (You can still open the wide window, though, it usually has a little lock-type-thingie at the bottom, that you can release to open it once you've opened the narrow window.) So I'm happy with this. Smile

#38 01-12-2014 
Somehow or other I missed this thread, love the windows and would be happy to take a look at the texturing for you, if you like, though it already looks good to me.

#39 16-12-2014 
Hey,i also added a door to the set Smile
[Image: 2014-12-1623_59_02-TheSimstrade2Mansiona...dd2758.png]
[Image: 2014-12-1623_53_45-TheSimstrade2Mansiona...b79fb1.png]
[Image: 2014-12-1623_58_30-TheSimstrade2Mansiona...316728.png]
[Image: 2014-12-1623_52_36-TheSimstrade2Mansiona...935ee1.png]

#40 16-12-2014 
They are looking so real, Oeselian!


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