Sims 2 and Graphics Cards - the fixes.

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#991 19-01-2015 
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Still at a loss here.
I see what you mean conceptually in that one of the updates (Origin or Geforce) must have broken some file connection that had previously been connected, but I can't figure it out.

I'm not sure where/how to find any Origin or Geforce changelogs but I've been looking and haven't found any. What do you mean by UC?

Were you able to set up that DirectX problem tracer?

Let me know. I see you're helping out other people and don't want to overload you, but I'm having serious Sims withdrawals. I didn't realize I was addicted, but there it is.

(Actually, in retrospect, the number of hours I've played should probably have made me realize sooner but that's beside the point)

#992 20-01-2015 
@Tanglespeck: by UC Kiri means "the Ultimate Collection", the latest, newest, complete version of TS2 with ALL the EPs and SPs included, as EAxis/Origin re-released it a few months ago.

#993 20-01-2015 
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@BoilingOill So her question for me was about my updating Ultimate Collection? Are you sure? Because I had ultimate collection the whole time; the whole point of its release was that there would be no more updates or releases or support for Sims 2.

So asking about me updating it makes no sense because it can't be updated...there are no updates for UC?

I updated Origin, but that's completely different.

#994 20-01-2015 
(08-01-2015 06:21 AM)Tanglespeck Wrote:  I'm playing Sims 2 Ultimate Collection off of origin. I recently updated my display drivers, and updated origin (I had been playing it offline for those 45 hours, so once I went online it updated automatically) and after that I clicked to play as normal and was surprised to find this error message:

(08-01-2015 08:34 AM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  @Tanglespeck
1. When you updated from Origin - was the language of the game, and the language of the site the same? There has been some difficulties with Origin not downloading all the files when they mismatch.
It's worth checking, but it's unlikely to be the problem.

2. When you updated from Origin - it over-writes the Graphic Rules.sgr and Video Cards.sgr - because it changes every back to default. You will need to get a new one that goes with your Intel card.
The Graphic Rules Maker (the top of the post in Green) will set you up a new one, and that may fix the problem completely. If it doesn't head back here and we'll go through what else the problems could be.

3. Do you delete your cache files from your game before playing? I'm assuming that you'd know about that because of the amount of time you've been playing.

Sorry, @Tanglespeck, but I don't see Kiri ever mentioning - or even hinting at - updating the UC. She doesn't even mention the UC, actually. In fact, I've read every response from her to you after that initial post, and she NEVER speaks about "updating the UC". So I wonder where you got the idea that she asked you about updating the UC. Maybe you mis-read something?
The point I'm trying to make, is that big companies like Micro$oft, Google, EA, and even the Firefox headquarters, all believe that they know everything, and that they are helping you, when they just mess with EVERYTHING on YOUR computer. And yes, Origin is the new player in the field. Isn't it possible that, when you updated Origin, THEIR meddling caused some reversion in the settings of your UC? After all, you got that game from them, so they'll do as if it is still theirs, not yours!
(This post was last modified: 20-01-2015 08:24 AM by BoilingOil.)

#995 20-01-2015 
Sorry for the confusion. Yes - UC means Ultimate Collection. Yes, there have been updates to the Ultimate Collection - and there is a problem with having Ultimate Collection a different language to your account.
What I'm referring to is on the first page where it says "ULTIMATE COLLECTION FIX - IF YOU'RE NOT GETTING ALL YOUR FILES (including log folders etc)"

When you updated Origin, one of my guesses is that it updated something it shouldn't have. It does that because Origin is a pain.

That's why I think you're getting the not installed error message. The other alternative is that you are not linking your shortcut to the Ultimate Collection.

Your 'Sims 2 not installed' is my first worry here.

What's the path you used in the shortcut - target?
mine is :
"D:\EA\The Sims 2 Mansion and Garden Stuff\TSBin\Sims2EP9.exe" -w
Yours should be something like

"C:\Program Files(x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSBin\Sims2SP9.exe" -w

#996 20-01-2015 
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I did it, still didn't work Sad
I'm about to give up

#997 21-01-2015 
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Hi Kiri!

I installed a new graphics card last week (AMD Radeon R9 270), and my games' graphics looked pretty terrible when I opened it yesterday. So I used your method, and the graphics look great again (thanks!). Trouble is, now my game is completely muted - as in, there's no sound whatsoever. This wasn't the case before installing the new Graphics Rules. I was wondering if you have any idea how to fix that? I've got Windows 7 (64-bit). I added my config-log to this post as well.

Attached File(s)
.txt  PC_VAN_ANNE-config-log.txt (Size: 10.8 KB / Downloads: 394)
(This post was last modified: 21-01-2015 02:09 PM by Anne.)

#998 21-01-2015 
@Anne It's a bit late at night for me to have a fresh look at this now, but I will look at it in the morning.

@pmartes I'm sorry about that. Let me get back to you in the morning, and I'll see if I can find some more tricks up my sleeves.

#999 21-01-2015 
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Never mind, I already fixed it! Something strange was going on with my volume mixer, so it didn't have anything to do with my game. All good now. Thanks anyway!

#1000 23-01-2015 
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the intel graphic downloaded onto my computer what does urar mean? I downloaded it I do not understand step 2 I cant find my programs anywhere and then what? I did step 3 got the graphic and from there what? "unzip" I don't get it I need a video Sad or someone to talk me through it wa D:


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  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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