Real Life Pics
#1 01-03-2011 
Levini sent me some pics about a year ago when he had me do a self-sim for him but they are outdated since he has gotten older.

Oh, in addition he has also morphed from a hamster to a wolf.

This is the latest self portrait he sent me and I had to share with his friends here.

EDIT: Pic has been moved due to over exposure plus it was just too intense for some folks. Big Grin

#2 01-03-2011 
nonni ... i look like this ....
[Image: wolf1.jpg]

EDIT BY LEEFISH : This is why I HATE offsite links to images

#3 01-03-2011 
Nonni, I am sorry, but seeing the big scary wolf pic everytime I went to the front page was making me scared, so I wrapped it in a handy [info] tag.

Code for the tag:

bla bla bla - big scary pic
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 01-03-2011 
What a picture! Looking gooood, Lev XD

Also, how did a tiny hamster turn into a wolf? Isn't that slightly physically impossible? Tongue

#5 01-03-2011 
How can the pic show and not be on front page? I was quite shocked but busted my sides laughing when it came up on the front page. I said to myself that it was your site and if you wanted pics to show on front page so be it. I would have liked it to just be in a thread.

Let me see if I have this right...

[Image: wolf-1.jpg]

Dearest Lee, darling... How do you keep the code from appearing in the public view of post?

#6 01-03-2011 
(01-03-2011 03:07 PM)Fishycookie Wrote:  What a picture! Looking gooood, Lev XD

Also, how did a tiny hamster turn into a wolf? Isn't that slightly physically impossible? Tongue

Well, my little sparkling Fishycookie...

If, in the wondrous dimension of leefishworld that we inhabit, I can be a tea-drinking ninny... I mean Nonni, then levini can be a morphing hamster/wolfie.

#7 01-03-2011 
Nonni, I am completely bewildered......

which code do you mean?

I wrapped the tag in a code block (its handy for sharing code snippets)

But if you want the INFO tag then its


Its a tea room post, so it shows on the front page. What you can also do (I think) is upload a picture as an attachment. That way the shadowbox will work on it and it auto resizes to a less OMG size.. If you can't upload an attachment let me know and I can fix it.

[Image: wolf-1.jpg]

The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#8 01-03-2011 
Oh, the Tea Room puts it on Front Page!! Ok, is there a place to post pics that won't go onto the Front Page? I thought I saw one around here. I will keep looking. Thanks!

#9 01-03-2011 
Fish Pics - It wili also put it on the front page, but will size it a bit smaller. Just use the attachment functionality.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#10 01-03-2011 
Let me see if I can attach an illustration regarding code showing for public view...

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)


Sorry, that is a members only option