#1 04-03-2011 
hi leefish
i want your shout box in proportal like you have in
is it possible to add "who is online" and link that redirects members to full screen chat like you have in
please guide me Heart

#2 04-03-2011 
Hi there - yes, I will post the required edits for pro_portal - the whos on line is available as a proportal block - you can see it on testfish - I have enabled it for guests.

I will wrap it all up as a package and post today.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#3 04-03-2011 
at least can you add link that redirects too full screen chat under proportal chat box?

#4 04-03-2011 
Just wait. 10 mins, it will be up. I think its JUST what you want Smile

Thread closed - mod is up
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

Sorry, that is a members only option