Fishmas Advent Calendar
#41 16-11-2015 
And I've had to scale back my gifts considerably. Sad I had several things planned, but I haven't been doing well, so it will most likely be just the one. I'll make it a good one, though, I promise.

#42 16-11-2015 
Aww, sorry to hear you are not well Nix. One gift is fine, and i have every confidence that whatever it is, it will be to the best of your ability. They always are.

#43 16-11-2015 
Aw feel well soon, Nix! Sending much love and hugs your way xxx

#44 17-11-2015 
Hello guys! I really want to participate in this and I've read the first post, but I'm still not exactly sure how it works.
Can someone try explaining it to me?

#45 17-11-2015 
Hi @Skoorl! it's pretty easy to participate. Create something, and send it to SantaFish! SantaFish will reveal one new gift a day, every day til Fishmas, starting in December!

Minnowey Fishmas to all!
And to all a good Pike!!


#46 17-11-2015 
@Skoorl - Ooh yay! All you do is make a gift. Some type of Sims content, anything you want. It can be inspired by the suggestions in this thread but doesn't have to be. When it's done, take some preview pics and write a description in a .txt-file - so whatever info you would normally put in an upload post, put it in a txt file instead. Then put the txt file, pics, and package files together in one zip/rar file... put the zip/rar file somewhere like MediaFire or whatever file host you like.... and PM SantaFish a link to the file. Then SantaFish will put all the zip/rar files in an advent calendar. People won't know exactly what they're getting until they download the zip/rar and see the pics and description.

Also if you want to make something specifically suggested in this thread, please PM SantaFish first to find out if someone else is already making the same thing.

* fanseelamb hopes she got that right Big Grin

#47 17-11-2015 
Thanks guys! I'll try my best to make something.

#48 17-11-2015 
@fanseelamb Perfect explanation. Here, have a site prefect badge Big Grin

#49 18-11-2015 
(17-11-2015 07:16 PM)grinEvilly Wrote:  Minnowey Fishmas to all!
And to all a good Pike!!

...groan Wink
(That was actually a pretty good one though!)

#50 18-11-2015 
It's me again, little ElfinFishies! Time for your almost-weekly dose of statistics!
  • Number of gifts in the sack: 13
  • Number of meshes in the sack: 8
  • Size of the sack: unlimited, so keep your gifts coming!
SantaFish, jingling around the fishbowl since '15.


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