Tropical Mini Hoods
#1 11-01-2016 
Hi again, I hope I am not considered as spammer, as I have posted twice today. I deeply apologize if so <3

Once upon a time, my old computer, I used to minilots, as those were the only ones what ran without any problems, and now even I have a computer what can handle bigger lots, I kinda got uset to minilots.

So, here is what I have been up to, custom university, in a tropical island (lovely minimaps by Amber Journey) and I am kind of happy about how much I managed to fit in that tiny map Smile 4 dorms (2,3,4 and 8 units), Greeck House (or very expensive rental) , secret society, 4 rental homes from 1x1 up to 2x2 lots, Gym, spa, pool, minimarket, music+arts, library, cafe, campus beach+park and even a small tropical nightclub with bar.

Built in total empty environment, all possible noregen-mods installed, only worry I have is it too CC-heavy to ever even try to share? It uses almost 20 files from buildmode (HugeLunatics tropix-add ons and Marvines ladder , only one color) and in buy mode 8 files (one table by Alias, one minifridgerecolor by aelflaed, waterfall by Macarossi and couple of recolors by Michelle) and 6 files from neihborhooddeco by Criquette, not included as nothin in her/his profile.

EDIT: Tropical, not "Tripical" ... huh.. englis aint my language, sorry.

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)
Ellu, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2016.
(This post was last modified: 17-01-2016 09:48 PM by Ellu.)

#2 11-01-2016 
Some of us post a lot more than twice per day, Ellu. That doesn't make anyone a spammer Smile

#3 11-01-2016 
Yes Smile Still seems a litllebit too much, as no better impression than first impression Smile (or worse)

#4 12-01-2016 
Your tropical university looks very cute, thank you for sharing Smile

#5 12-01-2016 
That looks really great, Ellu! The amount of CC doesn't sound too bad either. In fact it sounds like they're all things that have no equivalent in the game, which is good use of CC in my opinion.

#6 12-01-2016 
That looks super cute Smile

Re the cc, yea, that is NOT a lot of cc. I have seen a lot of cc, and 45 files for a hood is peanuts.

#7 12-01-2016 
When will it be up for download? Smile This would be perfect for my seaside town. That's not that much cc, I've seen single lots with more.

#8 12-01-2016 
joansarah, I was plannin upload it for testers tomorrow Smile I am not a lotbuilder, so gives me headache to try to finish interiors of the last 2 rental houses Smile

Thank you all for the nice comments <3

EDIT: And I know I have made lots of stupid mistakes, I hope at least all rooms are lit Smile I spent 3 hours one day to figure out why my secret society house did not allowed my test sim to visit the bathroom, darn 3 hours to figure out I had put there 2 female restroomdoors, and testersim was male Smile

EDIT 2 : Now I have only the Greek House left, and that is the most difficult to do, as I never ever played any of those before Smile
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2016 08:35 PM by Ellu.)

#9 13-01-2016 
Very nice tropical univeristy. Love the pictures that you have shared thus far.

#10 14-01-2016 
Takes just one more day, I am still having problems with the Greek House to be.. I think it has to be unique, not just placing furniture "here and there".. I only wish I'd had more imagination.

EDIT: and I saw I missed ceilings from 3 dorms , have to make those too, ceilings are so new to me. Finished landscaping tho, made sure that every plant had some sort of terrain it could be believable Smile


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