2016 Reading Challenge
#21 17-01-2016 
So, I have been scanning away, and I have found two shelves of books that I think I will probably never ever read again. B said to chuck 'em in the skip...... I looked horrified. So I was looking at http://www.bookcrossing.com. Has anyone used that?

#22 17-01-2016 
Once upon a time, a spiffy young lamb spotted a book on a bench in a public plaza. She casually beelined for the bench to investigate. There was a post-it stuck to the book's cover declaring it a "FREE BOOK!". Book Crossing stickers adorned the spine and inside cover. It was a book the lamb had already read but this lamb was not raised to decline any free thing. The lamb excitedly brought the book home and shared her tale of found treasure. The book - a yellowed, dogeared, literary classic - was passed on to the lamb's family and read and enjoyed.

The lamb thinks Book Crossing is a very cool thing.

#23 18-01-2016 
I've given books away to charities who will on-sell them, and I've sent them to 2nd hand book stores who will give a fairly low price for them - but still something. I've also given books that were 'as new' to libraries for them to on-sell to raise more money for them.

I have never thrown books into a skip. That is sacrilege!

That being said, I think Book crossing sounds like a cool thing to do. Big Grin

#24 18-01-2016 
I remember having to force my daughter to bin books in the past because most of the pages were falling out!

#25 19-01-2016 
Also for number #27 The Alchemist, a very good short book! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Alchemist_(novel)
#1 Stephen Kings 11/22/63 - fantastic book! (also made into a mini series due to be released next month, I cant wait! http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2879552/)
another 27 and also 51 -T he Colorado kid, also by Stephen King (Short Story) turned into the fantastic TV series Haven. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Colorado_Kid

#26 19-01-2016 
@ekrubynaffit are you on goodreads? if so, let me know your user etc so I can stalk add you

#27 19-01-2016 
Great suggestions Tiff, thanks Smile I had been eyeing 11/22/63, now I have to read it I guess Wink

#28 19-01-2016 
Have added you Lee.
Yes its a must Klaartje, you wont wantto put it down!!

#29 19-01-2016 
I read it, I loved it. (that Stephen King book).

#30 20-01-2016 
Also for your trilogy, try out the trilogy my Grandmother wrote.
It starts with It happened on Kendell Mountain http://www.amazon.com/Happened-Kendell-M...157736046X
then A very Wealth man http://www.amazon.com/Very-Wealthy-Kende...1577361822
and then a Kendell Mountain reunion http://www.amazon.com/Kendell-Mountain-R...1577362756
She did write a fourth, but I think this one got a bit lost in the telling, might have something to do with the Alzheimers!
If youre interested the fourth is Life goes on http://www.abebooks.it/servlet/BookDetai...n%2520king

Sadly I didnt read these until after she'd died, I so wish I had read them before, and when she still had her wits about her, as I was pleasently surprised at how good they were, and would have loved to be able to tell her that she did an amazing job!


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