Mods said to clash
#11 08-02-2016 
All your mods in one folder? So they load last relative to... what?... (edit) oh wait I get it... only the mods that need to load last! Yeah, that makes sense. Never mind my thick skull...

True, each should make their own choice how to organise their mods. But I don't believe that all methods are equal. And with all the special characters that I use in folder names, from the moment I double-click the shortcut, I can be directing my sims in under a minute... Yeah my game is really slowed down to the point where it's hardly playable. So maybe you *do* have a point Big Grin

#12 08-02-2016 
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tell me how to get the file

#13 09-02-2016 
What file?

I can see the good points in having at least mods sorted by creator, but I know I would never keep track of what I already had. I will however stop adding zzz onto file names. All my cc is sorted by type with sub folders. So most of my mods are in a named separate folder eg
Buy Build Enabler
Buyable mailboxandbin
CAS No smiling
cashregister Training

and so on. Easily over 100 folders. I might move cash register training into 'shops' since I have a few shop based mods. I would remove all those !! myself since those are special characters. I use a bulk renamer to remove all those brackets that many creators are so fond of. But my game takes at least 10 to load so I have to get rid of them.

Never mind fansee you are not alone. I also have to put my hand up to being guilty of having a mod folder in my old sims folder called ZZZMods. Lol, because it seemed like a good idea at the time?

#14 09-02-2016 
Oh wait, I get it... Yeah, it could work to have a special folder for everything that needs to load last. For a long time, I had such a folder. But then eventually, within that group, some things also needed to be ordered to solve conflicts. In that case, however, adding a few z's to one or two filenames could be the answer.

Anyway, I'm not saying that one *must* follow my method. Just that my method is one of the most organised, and that it works well for *me*. I advise others to consider it and to take from it whatever is useful for them. Of course, it must be noted that I'm a modder myself. I make a habit of looking at mods in SimPE, in order to learn from them, and to circumvent conflicts when writing new mods. With all that browsing back and forth, one eventually gets a feel for what mod can be found where.


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