I'm back.
#1 02-03-2016 
Hi everyone!

After going through a renewed depressive mood, but in a deeper manner than I was used to, and thus, mainly between early December and late January, I was ashamed to come back on most of my favourite websites and forums (besides, not only Sims ones). But I've just told myself something like: "hey, now, you are going to take your courage in both hands Damien, and face your fears and shame!".

As a consequence, I have been hospitalized during the whole of December for observation.

Anyway, I'm gonna participate on LeeFish again and I assure you that I'm better, way better. Smile

I cannot for sure abandon the things I like and that make me happy, for example, participating in forums and having fun online.

LeeFish is the (ultimate) community par excellence, for empathy, friendly encounters and laughing, and messing around with adorable cat pictures. ^^'

Cheers dear LeeFishers!

poisson (Damien)
POISSON, proud to be a member of LeeFish.nl, since February 2014... Big Grin

#2 02-03-2016 
Welcome back, Damien! I'm glad you're feeling better. It's always good to have you here. Smile

#3 02-03-2016 
Une bonne santé Damien, and welcome back to Leefish. Celebrate

#4 02-03-2016 
Welcome back! Good to see you again Big Grin

#5 02-03-2016 
Bon retour parmi nous, Damien. It's great to see you again! Celebrate

#6 02-03-2016 
Great to have you back, Damien, I've missed you xxx

#7 02-03-2016 
I'm glad you're feeling better too! And it's also good to hear you're letting yourself do things you enjoy <3

#8 02-03-2016 
So glad to see you back Smile

#9 02-03-2016 
Welcome back! Glad you're doing beter.

#10 03-03-2016 
Hey Poisson, I missed you, good to see you back. Also, hugs for being brave and facing up to your demons and getting some help with the depression.


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