#11 05-05-2016 
I'm extremely happy with the way my store/home combo is coming along. I do have another question though. Is there a mod to allow sims to bring there own pets to your house or owned lot?

#12 06-05-2016 
Not that I know of. But I've seen in my own game that sims who own a pet, will sometimes randomly bring their pet along already. It's funny to see someone come by with their cat in tow. Smile

#13 06-05-2016 
oh ok. Thanks as always BO Smile. Also where can I contact Ioba at about some of the missing items?

#14 06-05-2016 
I wouldn't hold my breath on that one. According to her MTS profile, the last time she showed herself was nearly 5 yrs ago, in June 2011. So I think you can't. Sorry.

#15 06-05-2016 
Ah bummer. Well thanks anyways Smile

#16 10-05-2016 
Hey BO, Do you know if there is a mod that lets you sell the womrat and bird after you have added them to the cages? Maybe the puppy in the puppy ring also?

#17 11-05-2016 
Sorry no, I don't. But I think such a mod doesn't exist, because a google search for "TS2 sell womrat bird toy dog" ONLY gives a wikia page about the small pets in the game. And that page most certainly does not mention selling them. No other useful links were produced, and certainly not any to possible mods.


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