Hurricane Matthew
#1 09-10-2016 
My daughter, Miss "K", is in Norfolk Virginia. They had a big tree branch fall where her car normally sets. She moved it earlier in the day to a different spot. Their roof has a small leak, and the landlord has already said as soon as it clears, he'll get on it. Their friends who live in Virginia beach, are staying with them as they can't get back home yet, due to flooding. Their power is out, but water is still on. I told her to treat the water before giving it to the baby, or anyone else. I also told her to fill her tub, in case the water co. decides to shut it off for repairs. They have no generator, but she knows how to make wicks, and oil lamps. They have plenty of food. Baby slept through the whole thing.

This was her first hurricane. She said it was "really annoying", and everyone is ok.
Kunder, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Feb 2016.

#2 09-10-2016 
Glad everyone is ok.

#3 10-10-2016 
Me too. Maybe now, I can talk her into buying a generator in case of future events like this. She has everything else, including ways to deal with thieves, and looters.


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