Fishmas 2016
#1 12-10-2016 

* SantaFish peeks out from under her fin and yawns

It's almost the most wonderful time of the year! Can you hear the sleighbells in the distance? After last year's success, we will be hosting another advent calendar this year, filled to the brim with goodies. This is an early notification for those who like to get a headstart, more details on how to share your gifts will be posted on November 1.

* SantaFish crawls back into the fishcave for another long nap
SantaFish, jingling around the fishbowl since '15.

#2 15-10-2016 
Rockin' around the Fishmas bowl,
With the Fishmas Party Sims!
Seaweed hung where you can see
All the schools of fish will swim!

#3 16-10-2016 
Hey everyone! Big Grin Unlike last year, this year, I will make something for real! And... actually... I've even already finished it! Big Grin

However, I'd like to ask SantaFish a favor, please; may I? As I'm not so so good at taking screenshots, I'd like you to take them for me, please. I will tell you in a private message what that gift for Advent Calendar 2016 is, but you'll probably figure out by yourself (of course! lol). Tongue

Thank you!

#4 16-10-2016 
I won't ask for much this Fishmas
I won't even wish for kelp
I'm just gonna swim here, waiting
Underneath the seaweed wreath

I just want a Fishmas gift
That fulfils my fondest wish
Make my fish swim true
All I want for Fishmas
Are Sims

Advent calendar, yay! Fishmas Sign me up! (LOL, at first I mistyped that as "Signe me up." Signe [SING-neh] is my dog. Wink )

#5 16-10-2016 
Does Santa Fish hibernate....?

#6 19-10-2016 
SantaFish summernates Fishmas

#7 27-10-2016 
Alright, since I have time now, I'll post the instructions a little early Smile

Recipe for a wonderful Fishmas
  1. Create anything you like. You are not creating for someone in particular. You are very welcome to create more than one gift.
  2. Wrap your gift. Please create a zip/rar/7z file with your gift, some screenshots to show it off and preferably a txt-file with any information you think a downloader might need to know. Think of the information you would normally add to a regular upload. It is up to you whether you want to include your name in the file(s) or remain anonymous. After Christmas we will reveal who made what.
  3. Send your gift in a PM to me, before December 1. If its too large to attach, upload it to a filehost first. If you need a simfileshare-code, let me know. I will add your gift to the big pile and upload it during December. After Christmas, all the posts will be linked to the actual creators so we will know who made what.
  4. Enjoy all the goodies in the advent calendar!

Please try and send your gift to me before December 1. That way, I can monitor whether we have enough gifts to fill all 24 days. Last year, we didn't have any difficulties getting to 24 gifts (yay you awesome fishies Big Grin) so if you do run into problems, PM me and we will sort something out.

Last but not least, you are more than welcome to post your wishlist for Fishmas in this thread. No one is required to make something from the wishlist, but you could use it for inspiration if you are looking for ideas.

#8 07-11-2016 
Ladies and gentlemen, may I please have your attention for an important announcement:

The first gift is in the sack! I repeat: The first gift is in the sack!

#9 12-11-2016 
Chouette ! I love this ! I'll try to send you something.

#10 17-11-2016 
How's everyone doing so far? We're halfway through November and I'm getting very excited about Fishmas! We currently have 2 gifts in the sack, please keep them coming! One cheeky fish already posted a not-so-secret wishlist and you are more than welcome to post yours too! Who knows, maybe you'll get that piece of CC you've been dreaming of for years!


Sorry, that is a members only option
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