ULTIMATE COLLECTION crashing, I'm out of ideas...
#1 21-12-2017 
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Ok, I did everything I could think of. Video Card & Graphic Rules, CFF Explorer + DEP tricks... It still crashes and I have zero idea why. It happens few seconds after any household is loaded. "Application has crashed", blah blah. As I said - I'm out of ideas. I do have some CC, but I double-checked and triple-checked it all with various utilities.
If anyone has a clue what can I do to play this goddamn game - please help! Sad

My specs:
Intel i7-5500U 2.40GHz
Intel HD Graphics 5500
Win 10

Attached File(s)
.txt  HARLI-config-log.txt (Size: 10.29 KB / Downloads: 418)

#2 21-12-2017 
Do you have any idea how much memory the graphics card has? Because the config-log reports that the game only sees 32MB. Which is most likely an important part of the problem.

#3 22-12-2017 
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It is 128 MB, still very little (my PC is dead, so I have to use my laptop), but should be enough for TS2 I guess?

#4 22-12-2017 
Well, it's a bit on the scrawny side. But since it's all there is, I guess it'll have to do for now. But we need to make the game understand that you've got 128 MB, not 32 MB.

To that end, open up the file Graphics Rules.sgr and find (somewhere within the first 60 lines, I guess) a line that reads "seti textureMemory 32".
If you find that line, replace the 32 with 128, and save the file. But if you do NOT find it, add a line "seti textureMemory 128" to the end of the section with the "Constants" header.

Now I'm not sure that it will make a lot of difference -- in fact, I can't even be certain that this is related to the crashes at all -- but even if it doesn't, it shouldn't harm, and at least then we make sure that this is not part of the problem.

Also, in the "The Sims 2" sub-folder under Documents, find the Groups.cache and Accessory.cache files, and delete those. The game is notorious for screwing those files up occasionally. And once they're corrupted, they stop the game from even starting properly. Don't worry about losing these files, though: the game will create new ones.

#5 22-12-2017 
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So I did all of it and guess what - still crashing Sad((

#6 22-12-2017 
I'm so sorry, @harley. At least now we now one thing: the graphics *settings* are not the problem, because they are as good as it can get for your hardware. So either the hardware isn't good enough, or there is another issue that I'm just not seeing. I hope that someone (Kiri, perhaps?) will come along to help you further. Because obviously, I can not.

#7 22-12-2017 
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It's all right, thank you so much for trying!

EDIT: If it's any helpful, I attached last Exception Log, since all of them look pretty much the same

Attached File(s)
.txt  Sims2Exception 2017.12.22 20.26.51.txt (Size: 13.18 KB / Downloads: 432)
(This post was last modified: 22-12-2017 11:30 PM by harley.)


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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