The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection Crashing When Selecting Neighborhood
#31 29-01-2018 
Another update!

I've installed all the CDs except one I didn't realize I was missing. I was curious where I should put the new exe that Kiri linked as well as the graphic fixes. Do I put it in the most recent expansion/stuff pack (I guess that would be mansion & garden....??) or do I put it in the base game which in my case is Double Deluxe?

Thanks everyone! I'm trying to find this answer online so I don't have to bother you but I thought I may as well ask just in case.

Edit: Okay I just put it in every single expansion/stuff pack folder and it worked! Though it also crashed...yikes. Going to try the 4gb patch and some other stuff! Here's my log and exception for anyone curious.

Another edit: How would I go about applying the 4gb patch to the game? Which application do I apply it to? Also I wonder if it’s not working because I had already installed ts2UC on this computer despite having already removed every trace of it...either way, I hope I can figure out something!

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-CNA3R7F-config-log.txt (Size: 10.38 KB / Downloads: 473)
.txt  Sims2Exception 2018.01.28 21.00.30.txt (Size: 12.77 KB / Downloads: 458)
(This post was last modified: 29-01-2018 03:13 AM by pixelchixel.)

#32 29-01-2018 
You need CFF to do a 4gb patch. I can find the instruction link tomorrow. On phone.

The sgr files go in M&G if you do NOT have Fun With Pets. Do you have ANY collected CDs that group an EP with two SPs? I think some may be treated as more recent than M&G but not sure. If you have Fun With Pets, it goes in there not M&G.

Which Kiri noCD exe do you have? If it’s George Sims2EP9 that replaces the Fun With Pets exe. Make a backup of the old exe just in case.

#33 29-01-2018 
@CatOfEvilGeniu Thank you for being willing to search for those intructions! Also, I have Double Deluxe but not Fun With Pets. I think George and the one Kiri linked here are the same, but if not then I'll try that one! I'm on a really crumby laptop at the moment so sorry for no spacing but it has Windows 8 with Intel HD Graphics 4400 and The Sims 2 works with no crashing, adjustments to only the Graphic Rules, and no pink flashing. Now this isn't my computer so definitely not a solution for myself but I thought I'd contribute something to the testing you guys have been doing in other threads.

Edit: just realized how me saying it was crumby then listing specs may have sounded like I was bashing them but I wanted to clarify it’s crumby because it runs incredibly slow due to there being no memory left on it, nothing has been updated in ages, etc. Sorry if that explanation was unnecessary but I didn’t want anyone to think I was saying just because it wasn’t the newest thing that it wasn’t good.
(This post was last modified: 29-01-2018 09:48 PM by pixelchixel.)

#34 30-01-2018 
pixelchixel - It may be the best solution we have found so far. Find an old computer with an older operating system and use that as the Sims 2 box. I may need to go get some old OS install media from someone.
(This post was last modified: 30-01-2018 02:27 AM by CatOfEvilGeniu.)

#35 16-02-2018 
Hi everyone!

I wanted to check in and give a bit of an update.

I think the game is stable enough to be played despite having the occasional pink flashing. I tried what @CatOfEvilGeniu and Epi7 suggested (forgive me if I'm forgetting someone) with the editing of the line in the graphic rules which made the game REALLY unstable for me personally. I think it was an excellent idea and it worked really well before Windows did a mini update (?) and then my game was crashing with it. So I changed it back, and now this is what's been working for me:
- Windowed mode
- The edited graphic rules and video cards
- Little CC
- Switching from high to medium texture settings, then back, whenever pink flashing is REALLY bad
- I used any and all of BoilingOil's VERY helpful fixes (thank you so much BO!! Lifesaver!!)
- I removed all my neighborhoods and used these (almost) corruption free versions instead which are the same thing just cleaned up:
- I used a ton of other fixes from this site:

Anyway, thank you everyone! It's not completely resolved and it does crash occasionally but it's in a much MUCH healthier condition than a few months ago. Thought I'd just share my findings with everyone and thank you all again for the help you've given me. I can't thank you all enough for this. You've made my favorite game playable again!

#36 16-02-2018 
@pixelchixel - Glad it's working for you and thank you for sharing what worked! Can you help us out with some data? Do you have compatibility mode on or off? I found my game ran so much smoother, no crashing, no pink, after I turned off compatibility mode. Also, do you have CPU throttling -CPUCount:1 ? I did at first but now I don't. It appears not necessary unless there's massive graphics lag due to threading not working right.

[edit] Did you mean the change that in graphics rules that lets the graphics card manage its own memory? Did you have that AND compatibility mode? I think it does work well, but with compatibility mode off. If it doesn't work well for you, that's useful data too! Just asking so we can gather more data to help folks. Thanks!

#37 17-02-2018 
Sure, I'd be happy to help however I possibly can!
I don't have compatibility mode on, and I removed -CPUCount:1 though I can't say I noticed a super big difference upon removing that one (though I haven't actually played and have only been testing so I'm not sure) but it was enough that I kept it gone.

What I meant was I've been using the ones Kiri linked me to previously in this thread, I do have the option you're referring to set to false at the moment because it was the cause of crashing after time on community lots for me. The pink flashing was also much much worse with this enabled as well. I'm not sure why because it improved my game before but in the past few days it's been doing more harm than good.

Oh, I should mention I had compatibility mode turned off (and still do) while changing the line in the graphics rules.

Sorry if any of this is incredibly vague as I have the bad habit of typing that way sometimes, but thank you again for all your help because I sincerely think my game wouldn't even be playable if it weren't for the combined efforts of all the people here - you included.

#38 17-02-2018 
Small update: Apparently vacation spots are a big no no, the game crashed immediately.

#39 19-02-2018 
Sorry to hear vacation spots are crashing. I hate even asking about cc but trying to get more data to help folks. How many gigs of cc do you currently have? And after the crash on the vacation spot, does it help at all to clear caches?

#40 20-02-2018 
@CatOfEvilGeniu I have 1GB, the folder says when I hover over it. With CC, choosing the hotel on arrival, and clearing the cache, I was able to load a lot but it immediately crashed after the entire lot including all sims were flashing pink. Without CC, the game for some reason doesn't even get as far as loading the lot and crashes on the loading screen. So seems like big lots makes the game crash and pink flash for me still, but is playable on small lots with one sim.


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  2. Your operating System.
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