Commanding Sims to Kick the Can
#31 02-09-2018 
Now wait a dawggone filthy trash can minute!!! Did you test everyone with the trashcans on their HOME lots? Because that would explain why they can't! NOBODY is usually stupid enough to kick their OWN trash can. The trash can of a (hated) neighbor, however...

I'm wondering at which place Sanguine was making a mess... Was that a university building? It didn't look like her own house...

#32 02-09-2018 
The bigger the household, the better my odds of finding a trash can kicker. So I started with my biggest household on campus: Team Adventure! Snappy dressers and future Adventurer careerists! Cool

[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubjectsTeamAdventure.jpg]

Test Subject #11: Hattori Ginsu
He's a ninja! If Team Adventure! needs to visit the Far East on another daring jaunt, he's their man. Big Grin

Sloppy/Neat 10
Shy/Outgoing 0
Lazy/Active 10
Serious/Playful 0
Grouchy/Nice 5
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject11-1.jpg]

I got a bite! Exclamation

[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject11-2.jpg]
Test Result: Can kick trash cans on command! Smile
And he's not the only one in the household who can do that! More data is good data. Big Grin

Test Subject #12: Clandestina Fatale
Because what's a good adventure without a femme fatale working her wiles on the big hero, right?

Sloppy/Neat 4
Shy/Outgoing 8
Lazy/Active 4
Serious/Playful 6
Grouchy/Nice 3
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject12-1.jpg]
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject12-2.jpg]
Test Result: Can kick trash cans on command! Smile

Test Subject #13: Master Chase Gallant, Esquire
The team's leader and the "big hero" that I was talking about. He's not really any better than the rest of the team, but don't tell him that.

Sloppy/Neat 8
Shy/Outgoing 7
Lazy/Active 7
Serious/Playful 0
Grouchy/Nice 3
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject13-1.jpg]
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject13-2.jpg]
Test Result: Can kick trash cans on command! Smile

Test Subject #14: Dame Claudia of Hastings
Because you know what every good adventure also needs? A spirited, affluential woman who gets involved because of bloodlines or whatever. Part-time love interest, part-time damsel in distress, part-time deux ex machina who pops up behind the assassin right as the assassin's about to finish the big hero off, whacks the assassin over the head and helps the big hero escape. That's Claudia's purported role, right there. Smile

Sloppy/Neat 8
Shy/Outgoing 1
Lazy/Active 4
Serious/Playful 3
Grouchy/Nice 9
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject14-1.jpg]
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject14-2.jpg]
Test Result: Can kick trash cans on command! Smile

And for the sake of being thorough and helping us isolate the common threads among these trash can kickers....

Test Subject #15: Blast Barricade
He's not big on finesse; he's there for the loud, messy stuff. If it's in the big hero's way, he's gonna wreck it! Also, he enjoys gardening. Smile

Sloppy/Neat 0
Shy/Outgoing 7
Lazy/Active 8
Serious/Playful 5
Grouchy/Nice 5
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject15.jpg]
Test Result: He can Salvage, but he can't Kick.

Test Subject #16: Charles Claidghmor
You know how every swashbuckling hero needs a friendly rival to slap him across the head and pep-talk him back into the right perspective whenever he starts doubting himself? Meet Charles.
(Charles keeps rolling up Wants to beat Chase at bowling or chess, so hey, it kind of fits!)

Sloppy/Neat 5
Shy/Outgoing 4
Lazy/Active 5
Serious/Playful 8
Grouchy/Nice 3
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject16.jpg]
Test Result: Cannot kick trash cans on command.

Test Subject #17: Dash Jetstream
Designated mechanic, driver, pilot, chauffeur, and so forth. If it's a vehicle, he can get behind the wheel and haul the rest of the team around in it. Smile

Sloppy/Neat 6
Shy/Outgoing 2
Lazy/Active 8
Serious/Playful 2
Grouchy/Nice 5
[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject17.jpg]
Test Result: Cannot kick trash cans on command.

Test Subject #18: Mahmoud bin Turkov
Designated strongman, natural Fitness guy. And did you ever notice that no matter where on Earth Indiana Jones goes, he always has a good friend from the local region and ethnicity to help him out? Yeah, he's one of those guys. "Long time, no see, Mahmoud!" Wink

[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubject18.jpg]
Unfortunately, I dropped the ball here and forgot to 1) jot down Mahmoud's Personality, and 2) include it in the screenshot. And my game crashed while I was loading the Far East household, so I'll get back to y'all on this one. Confused
But at least we know that Mahmoud can't kick trash cans on command.

So it seems pretty likely that Sims must be going through college to be able to kick trash cans on command! Or maybe it's multi-Sim and multi-family housing that causes trash can kicking ability; would they be able to do the same thing if they graduated from college and moved into an apartment complex? Either way, it seems to explain why some of my Sims who used to be able to kick trash cans lost that ability after they left college.

But it does feel like we're getting somewhere now! Do you think we have enough data to work with here and ascertain what makes a Sim a commandable trash can kicker, or should I move on to the next college household?

[Image: TS2-CanKickingTestSubjectsFarEast.jpg]

(02-09-2018 08:54 AM)BoilingOil Wrote:  Now wait a dawggone filthy trash can minute!!! Did you test everyone with the trashcans on their HOME lots? Because that would explain why they can't! NOBODY is usually stupid enough to kick their OWN trash can. The trash can of a (hated) neighbor, however...

I'm wondering at which place Sanguine was making a mess... Was that a university building? It didn't look like her own house...
While she's plowing her way through college, Sanguine is living at Castle Von Carstein, a University dorm. I made it myself. It's quite large. Smile

And that is indeed the trash can outside Castle Von Carstein. She bought all of those compost bins and set them near the trash can after I discovered her nifty compost-generating ability. Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2018 09:15 AM by Pizzatron-9000.)

#33 02-09-2018 
Okay, Sloppy/Neat. Of my five confirmed can kickers, four of them — Sanguine, Hattori, Chase and Claudia — are decidedly Neat; Clandestina is the exception, with a near-Sloppy score of 4.

Shy/Outgoing? Sanguine, Hattori and Claudia lean towards the Shy end, while Clandestina and Chase are more Outgoing.

Lazy/Active? Sanguine's pretty Lazy, Clandestina and Claudia are a little Lazy (but sit near the middle), Chase is Active and Hattori is as Active as they come.

Serious/Playful? Sanguine's extremely Playful, Clandestina's near the middle, Claudia's fairly Serious and both Hattori and Chase are as Serious as a heart attack.

Grouchy/Nice? Sanguine, Clandestina and Chase lean towards Grouchy, Hattori's stuck in the middle and Claudia's so Nice, it hurts.

That's a pretty scattershot arrangement of trash-can-kicker Personalities. Do you suppose that it might be something besides Personality that's causing this? Is it related to a certain number of points in two or more Personality traits? Or might it be something else?

#34 02-09-2018 
OK I am going to go with either a Combination of Personality Traits or Something Else. I think it might be a Combination, but who knows. I do know that it does not seem to be simple and straitforward.

#35 02-09-2018 
For a moment, I was thinking that living in a Dorm has something to do with it. As I remember it, no sim, regardless of their personality, ever kicks their OWN trash can. And I also cannot remember ever having the option to MAKE a sim kick their own can. But sims living at a dorm do NOT own the trash can. So then the trash can is not theirs, and thus they can (be ordered to) kick it (if their personality allows it??).

#36 03-09-2018 
[Image: SanguineLostHerKickinessSomehow.jpg]

Ack! Sanguine lost her trash can kickiness somehow! Sad

And nothing has happened to change her Personality (and Personality is not easily changed), so maybe it's not based on Personality after all. But we've already ruled out Mood, I think. So what else could it be? What else about a Sim's make-up changes from time to time? Huh

#37 03-09-2018 
AND... I see that congratulations are also in order... Sanguine has graduated! She's officially an adult.

#38 03-09-2018 
Thank you. Now I get to decide where Sanguine goes from here. I'll probably move her in with Carmilla. The manor's big enough for one more. Smile

[Image: CarmillaHouse01.jpg]

It's too bad that Sims have to take the taxi when they leave college. Sanguine had saved up her pennies from hitting the Dean's List so many times that she bought a 1983 Ferrari 328 GTB and stuck it in the castle's garage. But when the taxi came, I had to quickly stash the Ferrari in Sanguine's inventory, so that she could cook in the sunlight as she casually walked to the taxi. Why can't a Simmy college graduate who owns a vehicle just drive off the campus in that, I wonder? :|

#39 04-09-2018 
And just like that, Sanguine is gone, spreading her wings into a fully fledged adulthood. Sad

But as one can-kicker departs, another steps forward to take her place.

[Image: MerelithKicksTheCan01.jpg]

[Image: MerelithKicksTheCan02.jpg]

To be continued, right? Big Grin

#40 04-09-2018 
Meanwhile, at stately Von Carstein Manor...

[Image: SanguineJoinsTheVonCarsteins01.jpg]

[Image: SanguineJoinsTheVonCarsteins02.jpg]

[Image: SanguineJoinsTheVonCarsteins03.jpg]

Yeah, I think Sanguine will be just fine here. Big Grin

So regarding the possible causes of commandable trash can kicking, what should I look into next?


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