The sims 2 ultimate collection has crashed and will terminate :(
#1 15-09-2018 
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Hello, i'm new and i'm not good at computer
I have a laptop with win 10 pro
I have just downloaded and installed the sims 2 ultimate collection a few days ago and i have some problems.
Everytime i get to CAS, it will crash. I deleted cache files, changed compability mode to windows vista, windows xp ( pack 2 and 3), run as administrator,... but it didn't work.
Someone help me please Sad(
Som info about my laptop that i remember at this time ( i'm not using laptop so i can't scr shot info):
RAM : 4Gb
2.5 Ghz

#2 15-09-2018 
Hi @Needhelppp,

You're a completely new user here, and I don't know if you have ever posted on other forums. In any case, you may or may not know this, but on most forums, writing exactly the same post in multiple threads is usually NOT appreciated. Most members will read ALL the new posts that they encounter. Now, because you come off all needy, they have to see the same post TWICE. On some forums, you may even be banned for such practice.

For now, I will let this slide and simply remove the other thread. Please, try not to repeat this mistake.
Thank you for understanding.

PS: I hope someone else will be able to help you with your problems, but they may ask for more information. For best results, it may be more helpful if you used the computer that you are talking about in the above post.

#3 16-09-2018 
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I feel so sorry for my mistake Sad i forgot to delete this post Sad i'm new so i don't know where to post so everyone can see it Sad

#4 16-09-2018 
I moved your thread here.

Before you post requesting help, Information we need:

The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
Your operating System.
What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Did you install the Ultimate Collection onto a computer where you already had some sims games installed? If so, you will have to uninstall every bit of sims2 from your computer and install the UC again.

#5 16-09-2018 
(16-09-2018 06:08 AM)Needhelppp Wrote:  I feel so sorry for my mistake Sad i forgot to delete this post Sad i'm new so i don't know where to post so everyone can see it Sad

Don't worry about it too much. You're knew here, so you made an oopsie. It happens to the best of us. I removed the duplicate post, Lee moved this one to a better location, everything is now fine. Welcome to wave

#6 17-09-2018 
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Here are my info about my laptop:
OS version: Windows NT 5.1
CPU: 3491.599853Mhz, Name:GenuineIntel, FPU:1, MMX:1
Memory: 1024MB
Free memory: 1024MB
User: Administrator

Graphics device info ===
Number: 0
Name (driver): Intel® HD Graphics 3000
Name (database): Intel® HD Graphics 3000 <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE!>>
(Integrated Chipset)
Vendor: Intel
Chipset: Vendor: 8086, Device: 0126, Board: 161c103c, Chipset: 0009
Driver: igdumd32.dll, Version:, GUID: D7B78E66-4266-11CF-E762-1636B7C2C435
Driver version: 4459
Monitor: \\.\DISPLAY1
Monitor aspect: 1.781609, 16:9
Screen mode: 1600x900x32BPP,60Hz
Texture memory: 1632MB
HW T&L: Fixed function:1 Programmable:3.0
Pixel program: 3.0
Texture stages: 8
AppControlledAA: 1

.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 84.66 KB / Downloads: 982)

The problem is whenever i get into CAS, send sim to university, open the sims 2 body shop,... the game will crash. There's a box appeared with caption " The Sims 2 has crashed and will now terminate". Sometimes there's another box says " The Sims 2: EP 09 has stopped working". I hope you guys can help me solve this problem. Sad How to solve this kind of problem?
If possible, can we do teamviewer?
Thank you.

#7 17-09-2018 
Hi @Needhelppp,

Instead of trying to paste the contents of you config-log.txt into the post, could you please attach the entire file, like you did with the dxdiag.txt file? There might be info that we need in the part of this file that we now cannot see.

Your "Video Cards.sgr" file needs a line in the Intel section, that reads:
card 0x0126 "Intel® HD Graphics 3000"

That should at least make sure that the <<NOT FOUND IN DATABASE>> notice disappears.
Also, the "Video Cards.sgr" and "Graphics Rules.sgr" files in the "Config" folder that get modified, should also be copied to the "CSConfig" folder, in order to work for CAS and Bodyshop.

#8 19-09-2018 
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Hi @BoilingOil,

Here is my config-log.txt. i have copied and pasted the "Video Cards.sgr" and "Graphics Rules.sgr" files in the "Config" folder to the "CSConfig" folder but it didn't work. Sad Please give me some advice

Thank you.

Attached File(s)
.txt  TRANG-config-log.txt (Size: 7.65 KB / Downloads: 351)

#9 19-09-2018 
We may have misunderstood each other slightly. Of course I meant (although I unfortunately didn't say it very clear) that those files need to be copied AFTER they have been edited to make the game work perfectly overall. For example, if you haven't recieved a perfect working "Video Cards,sgr" file yet, and you haven't edited the file yourself, either, then that file still contains poor information, and copying it doesn't make things better.

If you know how to edit a text file using a text editor, you could make the change that I suggested in my previous post, yourself. But since you mentioned that you're not very good with computers, I would guess that the risk is greater than the gain. I myself do not know anything about Windows 10, so I fear I'm not the right person to help you. But the people who do know, will now have the advantage of having all the information they need. Smile I sure do hope someone will help you fix this quickly.

#10 19-09-2018 
Download these :

Graphic Rules - INTEL - Medium Memory - Texture Fix

and this

Video Cards.sgr - INTEL - 0126

Unzip downloads in folder
\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Config\
\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\CsConfig\


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option