Pass Along business Rewards to Family?
#1 18-10-2018 
When one of your sims has a business, they will eventually receive business perks. So you learn new skills: the business rewards!
Then your sim comes home, and can teach those new abilities (using the "Pass Along" menu option) to other household members -- REGARDLESS of familial relations.
Those other household members can then use those skills when helping in the business. However, they *could* also make use of some of these skill even when NOT helping out in the business. And when they leave the household, and start a business of their own, they still already have those skills as an extra advantage!

So why can't my sim pass along these skills to family members in another household? Like her parents, her siblings, or her children? Should they really be at a disadvantage, only because they left the parental home?

I didn't think so. So, quite a while back, before my Sims-2 hiatus, I wrote a mod to do something about it. With this mod, in addition to household members, your sim's parents, children and siblings in other households can now also benefit from this feature. Your sim just has to get together with them and use the same old "Pass Along" menu.

Question: would anyone be interested in that mod? It has been thoroughly tested, and appears to function quite adequately! Big Grin

#2 18-10-2018 
Sounds great to me!!! I've been working with the Ramerizes... finally have their business rebuilt and doing well. Sharing Chico's knowledge would really help!
Thanks BO Heart

#3 18-10-2018 
Thanks, @CatherineTCJD. Because even just *one* person interested gives me reason enough to upload it.

In my case, it was the daughters of Ginger Newson. Yoranda had been running her mother's shop, and enabled all those points. But *Ginger* was the one getting those rewards. That was no problem because Yoranda still lived at home, and she could learn from Ginger. But Yoranda's older sister, Zoraya, had already moved out, and was about to start a business as well. But neither Ginger, nor Yoranda could share their knowledge with her... That upset me. So now, almost the entire family knows how to "Power Network" and get to know their neighbors.

Now if only I could find a good, free program to edit .psd files, so I could create the fitting BO-BO logo picture for the upload... Ideas?

#4 18-10-2018 
You could send it to me, and I will edit it for you.

#5 18-10-2018 
That would be helpful, @leefish. I'll see if I can find the template, and send you a link in PM with a li'l instruction Smile Thank you so much.

Edited to add: Actually, never mind... I just found the solution. At, there's a PSD editor that does it perfectly! I no longer need Photoshop Big Grin :yay:

#6 19-10-2018 
I shouted out on Tumblr about this mod.

#7 19-10-2018 
Much appreciated, @leefish. I think they will come Smile


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