How To Disable Maxis Movies & Commercials From In-Game TV in The Sims 2 UC
#1 23-10-2018 

I use my custom movies on my custom channels in TS2 UC televisions in my game.
I was wondering if there is any way to disable Maxis made commercials and movies from appearing. I don't like it when they interfere with low quality and loud & annoying sounds Smile


#2 23-10-2018 
If you mean the movies that play while the game loads, you can have Windows Search find all occurences of files with the name "", and delete all those files.
These files should be in folders named "TSData/Res/Movies" in the The Sims 2 installation folder. If you kill those movies, the game will still play just fine.

However, if you mean the movies that play on TV sets in the game... I'm sorry, I don't know about that.

#3 23-10-2018 
Hi @BoilingOil ! Thanks for the quick reply!
I ran into the same suggestion while trying to disable the Maxis screen & the movie at the start of the game. Just to double check; deleting all "" is deleting the Maxis films & commercials that play on in-game TV?

#4 23-10-2018 
I'm afraid not. The in-game TV movies are a different thing altogether, that I know nothing about, alas.

Oh, wait, perhaps I *can* help. In the Base Game's TSData/Res/Movies folder, there are two more sub-folders: "Broadcast" and "Games"
I think the movies that you're looking for, are in the Broadcast folder.

#5 25-10-2018 
Thank you! I think it worked, many of the films aren't appearing now. Only some for which I might need to search carefully in the game files and delete.


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