Can't change resolution & white screen in windowed mode
#1 29-11-2018 
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Hello everyone Smile

I just installed TS2 (DVD) on my new laptop with Windows 10 64-bit and nVidia GeForce MX150 video card. I set both the game and Bodyshop to run using the nVidia card with the nVidia control panel and the game does indeed recognize the good video card (edges are smooth, etc.). However...I cannot change the resolution from 800 x 600 and I get a white screen when trying to run the game or Bodyshop in windowed mode. I have tried Graphics Rules Maker, the texture fixes here, applying the 4 GB patch, and updating my nVidia driver. I am the furthest thing there is from tech-savvy so please forgive me if I'm missing something obvious. I am a CC creator and it is my passion so I am determined to get the game to work on my new machine. I would greatly appreciate any help. Thank you!

Attached File(s)
.txt  FLAPPYII-config-log.txt (Size: 10.19 KB / Downloads: 421)

#2 29-11-2018 
Hallo Smile

Please attach your graphics rules as you have them now and we will have a look.

#3 29-11-2018 
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Hmm... the editor isn't letting me upload the .sgr file. I've uploaded it to SFS instead.

#4 29-11-2018 
(29-11-2018 10:45 PM)MrsMQuve Wrote:  Hmm... the editor isn't letting me upload the .sgr file. I've uploaded it to SFS instead.

The trick is to zip the file up, or to change the .sgr extension to .txt. Uploading it to SimFileShare is a bit odd.
I'm sure it's OK, but now you know for next time. Smile

The config-log shows only 32MB Texture Memory, which usually drastically limits the video options, including max resolution.
So I'm curious how much texture memory the Nvidea control panel reports. And/or what Dxdiag says about it.

I'm sure that the fix for it is mentioned in one of Kiri's stickied topics in this section.

#5 29-11-2018 
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I thought that this was the fix for it and tried that first but to no avail. I only replaced the graphics rules files in the Program Files M&G folder, do I have to replace them for the base game and each expansion/stuff pack?

How do I check the texture memory with the nVidia control panel? I looked and couldn't find anything about it. Also I opened dxdiag and under the nVidia card (the Render tab) it shows approximate total memory, display memory, and shared memory but I don't see texture memory there.

#6 30-11-2018 
From that page, I assume you got the "NVidia - Texture Fix - Max Screen size 1920 x 1080" ??? Because that one *should* do it, under most circumstances.
Did you ALSO copy the file to the TSData/Res/CSConfig/ folder ? If you only put it in Config, it works for the game, but not for CAS/BodyShop.

And no, you should NOT need to copy that information in every EP/SP. Only the last one should be enough.

With DxDiag, that information is hard to find in the program itself. One of the three numbers you found should be the right one, but I don't remember which one Kiri always used. Could you have it save its report, and attach that to a post here?

For NVidia cards, I always prefer the control panel method:
In the bottom left corner of the NVidia control panel, click "system information". Now it will show you a panel with your video card's details. In that window, find the line "Dedicated Video Memory" and write down the number you see there.

Go back to \TSData\Res\Config\ in your M&G folder

Find the file that is named "Graphics Rules.sgr" and open it. Find the line that reads "seti textureMemory <number>", and change the "<number>" into the number that you just wrote down.
Save the file, and make a copy in the folder \TSData\Res\CSConfig\

Now, your texture memory issue should be fixed, and the game should work properly. If not, please let us know.

#7 30-11-2018 
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There are several lines that say "seti textureMemory" - do I change them all, or just the first one?

Here is my dxdiag report.

EDIT: I tried it and it did fix the resolution issue, however I still get the white screen when I try to run Bodyshop. I'm praying that this isn't unfixable, because I primarily create hair and clothing so I obviously need Bodyshop.

Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 90.43 KB / Downloads: 676)
(This post was last modified: 01-12-2018 03:30 AM by MrsMQuve.)

#8 01-12-2018 
Ok, I'll be a little more precise. Since you got the "Graphics Rules" file from Kiri's page, this is the block you're looking for:

# Kiri - manually setting texture memory
seti textureMemory 1744
# Identify gfx device

... The number 1744 is where you put your number. All other occurrences of "seti textureMemory" are not important.

BUT, before you do that... I'm suddely a little worried that it may not help. Your dxdiag says that there's only 128 MB dedicated memory. If that's the same number as what your NVidia control panel said, then I'm sure it will not help at all. Maybe you should try the number 4162 instead.

I hope this helps?

#9 01-12-2018 
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Yeah, that was the entry that I figured out to change it for. It did fix the in-game resolution problem, thankfully! But I'm still getting the white window when I run Bodyshop with the nVidia card. It runs fine with the integrated graphics. If that's unfixable at the very least I can run it with the Intel graphics, I only use it for the creation process anyway.

#10 01-12-2018 
Ok, I'm glad that at least your game works properly now.

Maybe something went awry in the .sgr files in the CSConfig subfolder. So I would advise copying both files from the Config folder to the CSConfig folder and see if that fixes Bodyshop for you.
Wouldn't it be awesome if that worked?


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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