Nvidia RTX2080 Pink Flashing Memory Help
#1 16-03-2019 
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I just recently had a new gaming desktop built. I've been in the process of transferring my Sims 2 from my old laptop to the new PC. I'm having issues with flashing pink textures (right from the start of opening a neighborhood, all the trees and other objects). My PC is a powerhouse and I have a total of 32gb ram and I know it can handle Sims 2 on high settings with no issue.. Well, I hope so lol. I'm using Windows 10 Home 64bit.

I was doing some research to figure out what's going on and came across the YT video explaining what the pink flashes are all about. I've successfully applied the 4gb patch to the game, resolution is fixed for my monitor and I've tried to force memory with the Graphics Rules Maker (I also made sure to have my gpu listed and recognized by the game). I am unable to type a number higher than the 8000s in "force texture memory." I set the number to 8010mb to match my VRAM in dxdiag but shouldn't it be matching the "approx. total memory - 24356mb"?

I was wondering if you guys could take a look at my config log and teach me how to edit these numbers in manually and where I've gone wrong. I am at a loss.


Attached File(s)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 74.01 KB / Downloads: 424)
.txt  DESKTOP-MM378PH-config-log.txt (Size: 10.32 KB / Downloads: 417)

#2 16-03-2019 

Your choice of computer is the issue. You're using a new nVidia card, that isn't compatible with TS2. This, among other issues with video/TS2/Win10, are all over the internet, with no solution. I can get TS2 to play on a 6thGen computer, with on-board "Iris" HD520 graphics with Win 8.1, I can get the same configuration working with Win10. However, with Win10, I can get the "smooth edges" to become available, but no matter what I do, it won't hold the setting. I wrote a post that addresses this issue. I advise everyone to read this BEFORE buying a new gaming machine. I've been loading TS2, on every computer that has come in to my house over the last four years (I'm a computer repairman), and have loaded TS2, over 500 times in that time span, on everything from a Core2Duo, with GMA graphics, to the newest MSI $5000 machine.

Here are the results:


Do *NOT* buy a new gaming machine, with the latest "bells and whistles", and expect to be able to run TS2 on it! However, if you DO find a way to do it (highly doubtful), Please share!

I know you don't want to hear this, but this is a REAL issue. The game is getting very, very old, and technology has moved on. it would've saved you lots of time, and money.

THIS is what I recommend to TS2 enthusiasts. The beauty of it is you can EASILY upgrade EVERYTHING, and you DON'T need the nVidia version to play TS2. You'll need Win7, or Win8.1 with it.

I deleted this link as it now points to a T440, NOT T440p.

As a matter of fact, if this machine isn't sold in a couple days, I'm going to snatch it up!

I've had major success with this machine. It IS my "Daily Driver".

Good luck!
(This post was last modified: 20-03-2019 04:56 AM by Kunder.)

#3 17-03-2019 
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That's... very unfortunate. But thank you for the honest answer. I still have my laptop so I can at least play the Sims 2 on there for now.

#4 17-03-2019 
I would like to add one thing: NVidia GTX 10x0 model video cards WILL work well with TS2 on a Win 7 system. I don't know how they do on Win 8.x, but on Win 10 there is no hope for the combination. I can not give any helpful data on NVidia 20x0 models, but they're probably way too advanced for such an old game.

#5 17-03-2019 

They don't work with Win8.1, unfortunately, however, you don't NEED to use them for TS2. HD4400+ graphics in Win8.1 work well.


What are the specs of your laptop? Perhaps I can give you some inexpensive, upgrade tips to help improve your TS2 experience.

Make, and model
Hard drive
(This post was last modified: 17-03-2019 02:31 PM by Kunder.)

#6 17-03-2019 
(17-03-2019 02:28 PM)Kunder Wrote:  @BoilingOil

They don't work with Win8.1, unfortunately, however, you don't NEED to use them for TS2. HD4400+ graphics in Win8.1 work well.

True, you don't NEED them. Even on Win 7, you could use plenty of other cards.

But you don't need Win 10 for TS2, either. Or even those new-fangled GHz machines...
It's nice to be able to use such modern stuff, but I know from experience that you COULD still play TS2 under Win XP on a 333MHz Pentium II. It's not as fast, mind you, but it still works.

#7 17-03-2019 
I have bought a new powerful gamer desktop for my birthday, a few days ago. I have Windows 10, a RTX 2070, etc. I don't have flashing pink thingies, but when I enter a lot, a message of error appears and the game quits.

Fortunately, like @SimplyAly, I still have a less powerful laptop (with Windows 10, too, but only a GTX 760M...) and fortunately, I can continue playing The Sims 2 on this one. Smile

The gamer desktop will then only be for more recent games. Smile

Hopefully, GOG.com would one day release The Sims 1 and The Sims 2, so that these games can be accessible for everyone on more modern machines.

#8 17-03-2019 
(17-03-2019 03:48 PM)poisson Wrote:  Hopefully, GOG.com would one day release The Sims 1 and The Sims 2, so that these games can be accessible for everyone on more modern machines.

We could always hope for that. In the meantime, yours truly will keep hoping for Transporter-beam technology and Time travel. Big Grin

#9 17-03-2019 
(17-03-2019 03:48 PM)poisson Wrote:  I have bought a new powerful gamer desktop for my birthday, a few days ago. I have Windows 10, a RTX 2070, etc. I don't have flashing pink thingies, but when I enter a lot, a message of error appears and the game quits.

Fortunately, like @SimplyAly, I still have a less powerful laptop (with Windows 10, too, but only a GTX 760M...) and fortunately, I can continue playing The Sims 2 on this one. Smile

The gamer desktop will then only be for more recent games. Smile

Hopefully, GOG.com would one day release The Sims 1 and The Sims 2, so that these games can be accessible for everyone on more modern machines.
@poisson. Same with you. If you want better TS2, post your specs for your old laptop, and I'll tell you what you need. Smile
I *DO* recommend you switch to Win7 IF possible, or Win8.1Pro. Win10 on any computer can cause TS2 issues.

So far, the BEST results I've gotten, are with the 4thGen, HD4600 on-board, nVidia, NVS4200m/nVidia, NVS 5200m/5400m/GT730m/K2100m and the ATI Radeon 3650 mobility graphics chipset.
All using either Win7Pro, or Win8.1Pro.

I was watching my daughter playing TS2, on her Lenovo ThinkPad, T420 with nVidia NVS4200m graphics, last night.
It was still running finer than frog hair! This is STILL a VERY valid, TS2 machine! I highly recommend it for the budget-minded Simmer. You NEED the nVidia graphics on this machine!
(This post was last modified: 22-10-2019 05:00 PM by Kunder.)

#10 19-03-2019 
Hey @Kunder! Smile

Thank you very much for your help. Actually, my Sims 2 games are already installed on that laptop, and are marvelously working! Thank you again, anyway. <3


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Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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