The Sims 2 Takes a Long Time to Boot Up
#21 03-04-2019 
I never had any problems with TS2 in Windows 10, the same for my daughter's laptop. There has always been the single problem to find a CD drive which is able to read the Sims 2 CD, no matter which OS was installed.

#22 03-04-2019 
Your daughter and you have been fortunate to be spared the Sims 2/Win 10 hassle. Most of those troubles, by the way, start because people also have specific new model video cards in their systems, which are too advanced for the game to work with under Win10. Under Win7, that issue does not (yet) seem to exist.

The CD drive issue *might* well be related to SecuROM. SecuROM is a piece of copy protection technology developed in cooperation with Sony. The problem is, that it never really worked well as a copy protection. All it does is prevent people from legally installing games using most well-known CD drive models, Sony or otherwise.
There are programs out on the internet that help with the removal of all traces of SecuROM, but these tools only work well, if you replace the game's original .exe file with a so-called No-CD version. Because if you do not, the moment you start the game, SecuROM will simply be installed AGAIN.

#23 05-04-2019 
Yes, I know the SecuROM issue. I always start my games with a NoCD-Crack but when I have to reinstall my game there is this problem with the CD-drives. The last time the third drive (the oldest one) finally recognized the Sims 2 CD. There are no problems with the most of the EPs, only with Freetime and ApartementLife, as far as I remember. I've tested the CD-drive of my daughters (relatively new) laptop and it recognized the CDs at once, four different drives and only 2 recognized the CDs.

#24 05-04-2019 
I had this problem when my CD drive broke on my tower and I needed to reinstall. I used a program called poweriso on my laptop and extracted the files. If I need to install now I can mount the image to a virtual drive.

#25 05-04-2019 
Did you buy this software for $30?

#26 06-04-2019 
(05-04-2019 06:12 PM)MrsReval Wrote:  Did you buy this software for $30?

I did, though no doubt there are key generators etc on the internet.

#27 07-04-2019 
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I'm contacting AMD about this issue. If the game runs fine on Nvidia drivers then it should run fine on AMD drivers. This is clearly a driver issue. It has nothing to do with the game itself.

#28 08-04-2019 
(05-04-2019 06:12 PM)MrsReval Wrote:  Did you buy this software for $30?
You can download Daemon Tools free. Awesome CD/DVD emulator. I've never had issues with it.

#29 08-04-2019 
@Kunder: True, but PowerISO can *write*/*create* images, whereas -- to my knowledge -- Daemon Tools only *reads* them. Big difference.

#30 08-04-2019 
I've never used that kind of software.


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