GRM killed my Sims 2!
#1 16-01-2020 
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Hi y'all,

I used GRM at the recommendation of a friend as I had Windows 10 and it seemed promising as it would 'boost' my already fast game. Well, after clicking almost every tick box and launching the GRM, it doesn't let me play Sims 2 UC anymore. I don't fully understand what happened because the game ran perfectly fine prior to the use of GRM. Sad

I've tried every solution I can understand and it feels hopeless! I was able to play Sims 2 on Windows 10 with no issues at all, thankfully, but I used GRM thinking it was a program that was meant to improve the overall feel of the game. I've tried window mode, lauching the game from TSBin, editing files in notepad, uninstalling and reinstalling the entire game, pretty much everything but I'm very open to exploring other options.

Attached below are the images of my dxdiag. I'll also be attaching my config.txt. I appreciate any help I can get from the users here as I really miss playing this awesome game!

Attached File(s)
.txt  MININT-NFRQC5O-config-log.txt (Size: 1.01 KB / Downloads: 372)

#2 16-01-2020 
If your game ran perfectly fine why did you run graphics rule maker? Because it does not work well with windows 10 and it doesn't boost anything for your game. Since you have UC, repair the installation through Origin. Run the game. Then attach your config-log. And the userprops.xml found in \Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Config.

Are you sure there wasn't a windows update in there? Because that could screw up the install as well.

#3 16-01-2020 
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@HugeLunatic Honestly, I'm not entirely sure why I decided to run GRM on W10. I wasn't warned of the consequences and I thought the worst that could happen would be fixable by me but this is an issue I've never encountered.

No windows updates or anything, nor any driver updates. I'm not able to attach the .xml file here like I was able to attach my config-log for some reason

#4 17-01-2020 
@cmo42, please allow me to back @HugeLunatic's viewpoint. If your game was already running perfectly fine, there was NO good reason at all to run the GRM.

Now unlike Lunie, I'm even more cautious when it comes to GRM, because I don't trust that program to ever do anything good for anyone, unless they know how all the choices actually work. And most people who *do* know how to use it, could usually just as comfortably edit the Graphics Rules manually, without the help of this program, by opening the file in a text-editor. But be aware that this is only MY opinion... not anyone else's.
And on the fact that this program does no good under Win10, I take Lunie's word for it, because using Win7, I have no experience with that issue.

My personal fix would be to simply REMOVE the "Graphics Rules.sgr" file from every folder where you can find it, and then start the game. If all is well, the game should first start up in a minimal 800x600 mode, but while doing so, it would also generate a completely fresh "Graphics Rules.sgr" file where it is needed.
Or you do just as Lunie said...
Then, you can alter your settings to your liking again. Any problems you then run into, simply write a new post in this same thread and attach new copies of the files that Lunie has pointed out, and we will try to do the best we can to help.

Having trouble attaching an .xml file? Put it in a zip file, and attach the zip. Problem solved.

#5 18-01-2020 
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Thank you @BoilingOil and @HugeLunatic for helping out. I really appreciate it!

I did what you suggested, @BoilingOil, which was delete ALL graphic rules.sgr files and the game still gives me the Directx9 error shown in the screenshots I took. I ran it and it still terminates the application. I am waiting to see if the game will generate new files.

Below, I'll attach my config.txt once again but I'll also be adding the userprops in a ZIP file. Again, thank you so much for anyone that can help!

Attached File(s)
.zip (Size: 1.43 KB / Downloads: 425)
.txt  MININT-NFRQC5O-config-log.txt (Size: 1.01 KB / Downloads: 386)

#6 18-01-2020 
Yeah, the DirectX error has little to do with that. The suggestion I made, only had to do with the broken Graphic Rules.sgr file.

You do have Win10, which usually comes with DirectX12. DX12 is incapable of emulating DX9 functions, and DX9 cannot be installed on a Win10 computer. So what you need to do, is to download and install DX11. But here's the thing: since your system worked just fine BEFORE you started playing with the GRM, I assume that you already have DX11.

Your config-log proves that the game doesn't even get far enough to read/rewrite any of the settings files. But at least, this hasn't gotten worse by following my suggestion. If was already as bad as it could be.

I think there is nothing left but to follow @HugeLunatic's suggestion and try to repair the game through Origin. And if THAT doesn't help, then I think we need even more knowledgeable people in here to help you.

Really, I'm really sorry for the mess that you got into... I know how frustrating it is to want to play a game, but to be unable to.

#7 18-01-2020 
I'm not going to test this to verify, but, I'm pretty sure deleting game files (graphics rules.sgr) will not result in those regenerating. You should repair via Origin, apply the 4gb patch (or replace with a no-cd version), and then try to run it again. Without graphics rules.sgr and/or video card.sgr files I suspect the game will error and crash.

I'd like to see the config-log after only altering the 4gb and repairing via Origin. If you know how to edit the graphics rules and video cards to add yours in, then do that, but not with GRm.

#8 20-01-2020 
GRM makes .bak copies of the Graphics Rules and Video Card files before it does its thing. The backups are adjacent to the modified files You can simply copy those files back to their original names as well.


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

Sorry, that is a members only option