Flashing Pink Everything
I have done every solution for this problem and it's still pink! It's done this randomly! It recently started to crash a lot so I did the 4GB patch and the memory allocation and it seemed to fix my crashing problem but now things are flashing pink! I did the texture memory thing but it didn't work!
Files are below. Please someone help!
Files are below. Please someone help!
I don’t know what could be causing the pink issue because I feel your graphics card and processor should be able to handle the Sims 2 without issue.
With a laptop I used to use, I would have flashing (no colors like that), but walls would flash...and it was solved with the use of the Graphics Rules Maker.
I hope the Graphics Rules Maker May help, of if not, that somebody else has more knowledge on the nature of the “pink flashing”.
With a laptop I used to use, I would have flashing (no colors like that), but walls would flash...and it was solved with the use of the Graphics Rules Maker.
I hope the Graphics Rules Maker May help, of if not, that somebody else has more knowledge on the nature of the “pink flashing”.
@icy_lava, when you used the GRM, were you playing in Win 10? I suppose not. In Win 10, the GRM does NOT work properly, so we would appreciate it if you did NOT recommend that program anymore. You're right that everything looks as if things should work perfectly. However, the big problem is that @Neropanchi is playing on a Win 10 system. GRM cannot fix what Win 10 breaks.
@Neropanchi, it looks like you did everything right. The game recognizes your video card, and shows enough working RAM memory AND sufficient texture memory. So whatever the problem is, it has to do with Win 10. Please be patient, and do NOT run the GRM. There may be someone around who knows how to fix your problem. I am not that person, alas.
@Neropanchi, it looks like you did everything right. The game recognizes your video card, and shows enough working RAM memory AND sufficient texture memory. So whatever the problem is, it has to do with Win 10. Please be patient, and do NOT run the GRM. There may be someone around who knows how to fix your problem. I am not that person, alas.
@BoilingOil, I was not aware that Graphics Rules Maker is not compatible with Windows 10 as I have used it in Windows 7 and Windows 10, and I have not noticed any difficulty or unusual circumstances with the game. My Sims 2 is fixed with Graphics Rules Maker on a Windows 10 installation (it is currently the Ultimate Collection), and it displays shaders fine as well as bump maps and advanced reflections in neighborhood mode as well as correct grass textures. No flashing or anything in my game.
Although, on another Sims 2 installation on my laptop...and I don’t know where it is honestly..
I wasn’t able to use the correct graphics card and it defaulted to the Intel Iris card. But I still used Graphics rules maker to change the settings for the intel card.
What about the Graphics Rules Maker is NOT compatible with Windows 10? I genuinely have no idea. Am I missing out on a better game??
Although, on another Sims 2 installation on my laptop...and I don’t know where it is honestly..

What about the Graphics Rules Maker is NOT compatible with Windows 10? I genuinely have no idea. Am I missing out on a better game??
@icy_lava I must admit that I cannot speak of specifics, beacause I don't use either Win 10 or the UC. As a Win 7 DVD-version TS2 player, I experience no problems. The problem is that with every Win 10 update, MicroSoft makes it harder to play TS2 properly. And the problems seem to be mostly concentrated around the NVidia video cards. And so far, every attempt to fix them with GRM that I know of, has failed. Just read all the latest threads in this section where GRM has been used, and you'll find the same result: it doesn't work! In many cases , it even introduced problems that didn't exist before, like causing the game to not even start anymore.
(10-02-2020 08:54 PM)BoilingOil Wrote: @Neropanchi, it looks like you did everything right. The game recognizes your video card, and shows enough working RAM memory AND sufficient texture memory. So whatever the problem is, it has to do with Win 10. Please be patient, and do NOT run the GRM. There may be someone around who knows how to fix your problem. I am not that person, alas.
Thank you. I'll wait for someone who can help me. I appreciate your reply
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Information we need
- The
-config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file. - Your operating System.
- What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.