Unusual lag and frame drops on a gaming computer
#1 03-04-2020 
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hello! i was hoping i could get help today regarding lag in my sims 2 game. usually it doesnt lag on small lots but on big lots it can drop from 60 to 10 in an instant, im wondering if this is normal? i have a pretty great gpu and cpu so i'm wondering what the problem is, it's also worth noting that my config file in my logs folder lists the wrong graphics card, so i took the graphics card it listed out of the video cards list, even after i did that it runs the same and doesn't list my correct graphics card even though i have it listed in the video cards list, any help would be greatly appreciated!! Blush i have attached my config file and my dxdiag Smile

Attached File(s)
.txt  SHADOW-VHFCS2VK-config-log.txt (Size: 10.43 KB / Downloads: 435)
.txt  DxDiag.txt (Size: 67.23 KB / Downloads: 461)

#2 03-04-2020 
A $2,000+ video card? Really? I don't think such a monster card was ever considered when this game was created. I don't know why the system sees a totally different video card, though. The device numbers are completely different.

How much stuff is running in hte background? Because - according to your DXdiag - you seem to have 12 GB memory, but also a 16 GB pagefile, of which over 80% (13 GB+) is in use. This seems to suggest that all active programs together are using about 25 GB of memory. So there is a lot of memory swapping going on, which slows the system down considerably. And that could be the cause of the lag. Shut down the programs that you don't need while playing TS2. That might help a lot already.

#3 03-04-2020 
Can you also show the video cards.sgr? I'm not sure you've listed the correct vendor info. Also which game version you are using, disk vs UC, and the location of the video cards.sgr you are editing.

#4 03-04-2020 
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(03-04-2020 11:52 AM)BoilingOil Wrote:  A $2,000+ video card? Really? I don't think such a monster card was ever considered when this game was created. I don't know why the system sees a totally different video card, though. The device numbers are completely different.

How much stuff is running in hte background? Because - according to your DXdiag - you seem to have 12 GB memory, but also a 16 GB pagefile, of which over 80% (13 GB+) is in use. This seems to suggest that all active programs together are using about 25 GB of memory. So there is a lot of memory swapping going on, which slows the system down considerably. And that could be the cause of the lag. Shut down the programs that you don't need while playing TS2. That might help a lot already.
yeah it's a beast of a gpu for sure, though im not sure about the memory thing since this is technically a virtual computer, i cloud game so i can play all of the beefy triple a games that i can't usually play on my mac Smile the service listed that this specific tier was 12 gb of ram so maybe the remaining ram is being used to power the other services of the machine i could see if it's just me running excessive programs though
(03-04-2020 01:08 PM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Can you also show the video cards.sgr? I'm not sure you've listed the correct vendor info. Also which game version you are using, disk vs UC, and the location of the video cards.sgr you are editing.
sure no problem! i'll attach it. also im using ultimate collection and my video cards.sgr is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\Fun with Pets\SP9\TSData\Res\Config

whoops i forgot to attach it ^^" EDIT: it wouldn't let me attatch it for some reason? when i click add it just doesn't pop up so i pasted it in hastebin Smile https://hastebin.com/oyepulaxip.rb i hope thats ok

#5 04-04-2020 
Virtual GPU could be the issue. Try putting your actual machines video card into the video cards.sgr, the 7800. The Sims is a 32 bit game and even the 7800 is way more than it needs, can't you play it without using the virtual GPU?

#6 04-04-2020 
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(04-04-2020 12:00 PM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Virtual GPU could be the issue. Try putting your actual machines video card into the video cards.sgr, the 7800. The Sims is a 32 bit game and even the 7800 is way more than it needs, can't you play it without using the virtual GPU?
well, the way that my cloud gaming service works is that it just streams the gaming computer from their data center, it has no connection to my local pc. the gpu thats listed in the config isn't my local pcs gpu as i have integrated graphics, that's why i was so confused as to where it came from. other games on my computer that require a lot more power than sims 2 work perfectly fine and sims 2 is just about the only game i have problem with frame drop wise.

#7 04-04-2020 
Sims 2 is old, and a tad dimwitted. It thinks you have the 7800. It hurts nothing to add it. But are you sure you don't have a 7800 and integrated? Because I'm pretty sure a lot of Macs have had the 7800. And the dxDiag you posted cannot be your Mac if you say you have integrated graphics, and nothing in the config log matches it.

#8 05-04-2020 
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(04-04-2020 10:27 PM)HugeLunatic Wrote:  Sims 2 is old, and a tad dimwitted. It thinks you have the 7800. It hurts nothing to add it. But are you sure you don't have a 7800 and integrated? Because I'm pretty sure a lot of Macs have had the 7800. And the dxDiag you posted cannot be your Mac if you say you have integrated graphics, and nothing in the config log matches it.
nope, about my mac lists the gpu as intel integrated graphics 6000, that dxdiag is from my virtual computer as that is what i play the sims on and all my other games, theres no connection to my local pc its just streaming. kind of like netflix? if that makes sense

#9 05-04-2020 
Yea that makes sense. So is TS2 installed on the i cloud then? I really don't know what else to fix, sorry.

#10 05-04-2020 
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yes it is and that's no problem! i actually reinstalled it last night and it listed the right graphics card but as soon as i installed everything to get the game working on win 10 (dv9k, 4gb patch, graphics rules.sgr from this website, and put in my gpu in the video cards.sgr) and started it up my config suddenly listed it as a gtx 7800 again so im not exactly sure whats making it list the wrong card EDIT: i was using the body shop today and i noticed my config file listed my actual gpu, thats interesting!


Before you post requesting help
Information we need

  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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