Sims 2 UC & CEP etc
#1 28-05-2020 
Just installed UC and have headaches. First, I have Windows 10. I can'r figure out the CEP Program Files part. The My Documents is all okay. Also, the collection files don't seem to exist -- the EA icons are there - there's just nothing in the collections. I can't find any IKEA items (like Anes or Malm irems), so my CC linked there are all blue. I am bewildered and upset. Understand that I am a bedridden person, and don't see well anymore. The computer gives me so much pleasure -- the Sims 2 being paramount. I don't understand the install instructions for the CEP program files and am wondering if this is playing a part in me not seeing Maxis items. If anyone has any ideas, I would appreciate the help.

#2 02-06-2020 

Is there a possibility for you to dual boot Win10, with Win7? Win10 is at a point where Sims 2, is a no go.

#3 15-08-2020 
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You should really go through some toturials about how to fix the Sims 2 on Windows 10, there are a lot of people with problems like you and they could fix it. Did you chose the automatic installation for CEP? You have to put the program file "zCEP-EXTRA" in Programm Files/EA Games/The Sims 2/Base/TS Data/Res/Catalog. The document file goes to Documents/EA Games/The Sims 2. The IKEA bug can probably be fixed with one of the Windows 10 compability programs.

#4 15-08-2020 
@hebelkau, instead of only talking about "some tutorials", it would be much more helpful if you gave us LINKS to some of them, if you have some. Please?
And not ONLY youtube videos, please. For some of us, it's easier to READ what needs to be done, instead of continuously stopping, backing up and restarting a video.

Thanks in advance.

#5 15-08-2020 
...not to mention the OP was from May Confused

#6 15-08-2020 
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@BoilingOil no I don't have tutorials, the range of tutorials on this subject is way to wide for me to know what the right one for the OP. Also I didn't even mention any YouTube videos??I really don't know why you're coming at me

#7 15-08-2020 
@hebelkau, I'm not "coming at you", I was only HOPING that you would have more than just the very generic remark about "tutorials", which doesn't help anyone. Alas, you do NOT.
And my mentioning Youtube was NOT an attack at you, it was just an advance request, because way too many people nowadays ONLY link to youtube videos. But if you had nothing helpful at all to begin with, I am now wondering why you did bother to open an old thread to say nothing useful. But that is just my opinion, which was not important here.

Besides, you're quite new here, so you may not know. And today, I didn't think it was necessary. But as a moderator, if I think it is my job to "come at you", I will! I'm not going to apologise for that, okay?

#8 15-08-2020 
I hope I fixed this. I discovered that there was no path as typed above, Programm Files/EA Games/The Sims 2/Base/TS Data/Res/Catalog. I believe this was because I got a direct download of UC from a game store on EBay. I did find the Sims game under Program Files/Mr DJ/etc...... I didn't have a catalog in the Ikea portion of the game, so the seller sent me a link to that expansion. When I installed, it did create a PF/EA Games/ etc, so I put the CEP program files portion in this in a CEP Extra folder. I seem to be find recolors for all the Maxis items I use, so I am content. No reason for discontent here. My eyes are so bad these days that I wouldn't be able to see stuff on a you tube video unless I had a big magnet, ( ;=) ) All is good. Deb

#9 16-08-2020 
@altanna, very good. This may be helpful information for others who encounter similar issues. Thank you for sharing it with us.

#10 16-08-2020 
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@BoilingOil I think there are way more inaproppiate things happening at forums than random people not providing links. And yes following a tutorial is mandatory if you want to play sims 2 on Windows 10, neither do I know the right one bc I don't play on Windows 10 nor is it my task to set up another persons computer. I just tought OP was new to the Sims and that they didn't know anything about the problems on Windows 10. Also yes I'm new! so don't expect me to know everything, also the date is shown as 08/05 on my computer


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