Hello again
#1 18-08-2020 
Hello again, I'm William.

I first appeared briefly in Feb 2017 to ask a couple of question, and am now back modding Sims 2 having taken a prolonged break for real life (moved in with girlfriend, got engaged, sold house, quit 9-5 job, got married, bought house for daughter, bought flat to rent out, learnt to drive - it all rather felt like being in "The Sims 2" game!) I'll post some updates in the "Work In Progress" forum in a bit, but for now ...


#2 18-08-2020 
Hi, Sim Wiliam. Welcome in our game!

#3 18-08-2020 
*splash* wave Welcome back to the pond! ...just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin' simmin'...

#4 18-08-2020 
Welcome William!


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