4gb patch not working
#1 05-09-2020 
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I'm french and don't speak english, i use a translator sorry for mistakes!
I have the sims 2 Ultimate Collection Wink
I am under windows 10

I would like to use the 4go patch but in memory I have 4096 MB except that in free memory it changes all the time I have never 4096 I would like help
I was given an Exe file that I kept it is already in 4096 but not in free memory so I have a hard time even applying the patch it does not work! I wanted to avoid fatal errors when I play after a few hours
I used the CFF but the breakage was already checked on more than 2 GB!

I followed the video solution as well as MTD but nothing works in free memory
here are my files if I relaunch the game here is what it does!
the free memory is not fixed it changes all the time when starting the game!
I would therefore like to have 4096 in free memory like memory

Thank you for your help Smile

Attached File(s)
.txt  DESKTOP-5IBBF53-config-log.txt (Size: 10.54 KB / Downloads: 415)
(This post was last modified: 05-09-2020 04:51 PM by Lucy.)

#2 11-09-2020 
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Hi yall. I am running the Sims 2 disc version and my OS is Windows 10. My Sims 2 was working fine until the Windows update that messed up the memory. That's when the CAS started crashing. Then, I loaded Apartment Life and the Patch, and the game started crashing when I entered a lot, as well.

I have fixed the the video card not found in the data base problem, loaded the 32 bit Graphics Rule Maker, deleted the cache files, and tried moving the .exe file into the CSBin. But, the 4GB Patch will not work. I did not try the D9VK fix because my system is not Vulkan capable and I did not try replacing the .exe file with the “No CD Hack for M&G” because the file was Sims2EP9.exe and mine is Sims2Ep8.exe. These are all the recommended fixes I have found.

The 4GB Patch will not work. My config log has always shown 1024MB for the Memory and the Free Memory, not 2048MB.

I am also confused about how the compatibility should be set on the game. I have read different things. Should compatibility be set for Windows 8 or Windows 98 or does it matter?

Any and all help would be appreciated. I have a lot years invested in my Sims 2 game and would like to play again.

Diane from Pensacola
.txt  DIANE-PC-config-log.txt (Size: 10.31 KB / Downloads: 303)

#3 12-09-2020 
How much ram does your pc have? The memory is going to be based on how much system RAM you actually have and how much is not being used by the OS when running the game, so ignore everyone saying it should say you have "x" amount. If you have less than 4gb then there is no point is using the 4gb patch, as that is for 64 bit users with more than 4gb of ram.

You do not need to set compatibility.

#4 12-09-2020 
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Thank you HL for the quick response. My system has 6.00GB (5.90 GB usable) installed RAM with a Intel® Core™ i3-2120 CPU @ 3.30GHz, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor. Forgive any slow response on my part. I am a senior citizen and know just enough to be dangerous.

#5 12-09-2020 
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why do you post in my subject and no one responds to me? :o
if nobody wants to help me say it, it's not very nice to be unaware Sad
if you don't know how to help me say it will be nice

#6 12-09-2020 
@Lucy I have no suggestions for you, because I am unsure what your actual issue is? The 4gb patch appears to be applied as your log shows the memory to be 4096. Free memory is going to be variable, as it's showing what is left of your memory after the OS is using it. Should dohlen have created their own post? Sure, maybe. I'm not a mod so I'm not going to say anything.

@dohlen, hello fellow Senior! Big Grin You are right in not wanting to use the M&G patch. Move your Sim2EP8.exe to the desktop, use the 4gb Patch. Using that is more automated than using CFF. Then move your Sims2EP8.exe back to your TSBin folder. I have never had to move mine to the CSBin so cannot say the validity of running from there.

Also, enabling compatibility mode typically uninstalls the 4gb patch.

#7 13-09-2020 
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I apologize, Lucy, if this was your post. I never posted before and thought the posts were by subject. HL: I shall un-enable the compatibility and try moving the EP8.exe file to the desktop and run the patch. Now I have to go out and put things away cause we are under a tropical storm warning.
Thank you.

#8 16-09-2020 
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ok so the patch is applied thank you I didn't know, I thought we had to have 4096 on the memory too, I just have to test to see if it works and that the fatal errors stop Smile


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  1. The -config-log.txt from the Logs folder in the My Documents\EA\The Sims2\ Click "full editor" below to attach a text file.
  2. Your operating System.
  3. What the problem actually is - that will be a picture to show the problem (optional), and accompanying text files that turn up (optional), and a detailed description of what happened, and what you expected to happen.

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