Posting Issue
I've added several posts to my WIP thread, but have run into a problem during the last couple of posts. When I try to add another new post to my previous one, the new post gets actually gets added to the previous post. The thread is now on the second page and I initially solved the problem by going back to the first page and then back to the second page which then let me make a new post.
The problem then occurred again when I tried to make a new post, and exiting to the first page and then going back to the second page didn't work that time. Let me go back now and try again...
Okay, so I was able to make a new post. I figured it would work this time.
There seems to be an issue where the code or whatever it's called sometimes gets confused and edits a new post onto the preceding post for some reason. If a person exits the thread completely and re-enters, it seems to fix itself.
Not too big a deal, just giving a heads up.
I have one more post to make, so let me go back and do that.
The problem then occurred again when I tried to make a new post, and exiting to the first page and then going back to the second page didn't work that time. Let me go back now and try again...
Okay, so I was able to make a new post. I figured it would work this time.
There seems to be an issue where the code or whatever it's called sometimes gets confused and edits a new post onto the preceding post for some reason. If a person exits the thread completely and re-enters, it seems to fix itself.
Not too big a deal, just giving a heads up.
I have one more post to make, so let me go back and do that.
Actually, the posts getting threaded together is SUPPOSED to happen here. You should be grateful that your posts weren't flat-out rejected by the system.
On every other forum, double-, triple- quadruple-, etc. posting is heavily frowned upon. In fact, most moderators/admins would just ban you for life.
Had this been Simbology before I resigned as Admin, I would've thrown you out so heard that your ears would be bleeding for three weeks straight.
Normally, the rule is that you wait a reasonable time (a few hours) between posts, unless other people have responded to your last post, and you want to react to their response.
On occasion, you can ignore that rule and write two posts in succession, if the thread is started by yourself. But even then, don't make a habit of it. Three of more posts in a row is usually always trouble.
Leefish wrote (or found) a piece of code to help avoid simply rejecting stuff by threading subsequent posts together. Be glad!
And now I'll just wait for Leefish' judgement, because I would love to kick you out right now, but she sometimes looks at these things differently.
On every other forum, double-, triple- quadruple-, etc. posting is heavily frowned upon. In fact, most moderators/admins would just ban you for life.
Had this been Simbology before I resigned as Admin, I would've thrown you out so heard that your ears would be bleeding for three weeks straight.
Normally, the rule is that you wait a reasonable time (a few hours) between posts, unless other people have responded to your last post, and you want to react to their response.
On occasion, you can ignore that rule and write two posts in succession, if the thread is started by yourself. But even then, don't make a habit of it. Three of more posts in a row is usually always trouble.
Leefish wrote (or found) a piece of code to help avoid simply rejecting stuff by threading subsequent posts together. Be glad!
And now I'll just wait for Leefish' judgement, because I would love to kick you out right now, but she sometimes looks at these things differently.
Well that's just silly to not allow a user to use one post, and continue posting, for a WIP showoff or site update type thread. Neither of those situations are looking for feedback necessarily.
(22-11-2020 08:20 AM)BoilingOil Wrote: Actually, the posts getting threaded together is SUPPOSED to happen here. You should be grateful that your posts weren't flat-out rejected by the system.
On every other forum, double-, triple- quadruple-, etc. posting is heavily frowned upon. In fact, most moderators/admins would just ban you for life.
Had this been Simbology before I resigned as Admin, I would've thrown you out so heard that your ears would be bleeding for three weeks straight.
Normally, the rule is that you wait a reasonable time (a few hours) between posts, unless other people have responded to your last post, and you want to react to their response.
On occasion, you can ignore that rule and write two posts in succession, if the thread is started by yourself. But even then, don't make a habit of it. Three of more posts in a row is usually always trouble.
Leefish wrote (or found) a piece of code to help avoid simply rejecting stuff by threading subsequent posts together. Be glad!
And now I'll just wait for Leefish' judgement, because I would love to kick you out right now, but she sometimes looks at these things differently.
OMG, that's actually hilarious.
I do sense that you're serious, because you've frankly come across to me as being as somewhat condescending in your overall attitude in other posts. Not just to me either.
For the record and so you know (although it probably won't impress you), I don't know what kinds of people you're used to dealing with online, but I've been online since 1992 and have participated in countless forums, both gaming and otherwise. So I'm not new at this. Never until recently did I ever hear/read any forum admins complaining about someone making multiple posts in a row. It simply isn't an issue that happens often enough to be of importance. When a person does make multiple posts, as I did last night, it is to a thread made for that specific purpose, as is the case with the WIP thread. Coincidentally, the first I've ever seen an admin mention this "problem" was just a few days ago over at GoS when I came across it by accident - but at least they apparently have brains enough to make an exception for show-and-tell type of threads.
In fact, over at Mod the Sims, they prohibit embedding more than 4 pictures into a single post, which in itself necessitates multiple postings in certain threads. They've had that policy to actually help readers that have slower internet connections.
Dude, if I made multiple posts wherein I just talked to myself, or ranted about something no one cares about, or some similar thing, I could understand your concern. But, dude, my posts were to a WIP thread. Do you not understand that multiple postings are to be expected in those types of threads?
Are you that overwhelmed in your little backwater website here where this bothers you?
And no, in the future I will not combine countless pictures into a giant single post, because that's just plain stoopid, both because of the difficulty for the poster to do so and for the person reading it and possibly wanting to reply to certain portions of it.
But, whatever, do whatever you want. Not worth it for me to waste my time arguing about it.
Let me know if I'm persona non-grata here, I'll having no problem leaving permanently. I only signed up here to say thanks for the Glamour Door and Arches anyway.
(This post was last modified: 22-11-2020 07:49 PM by ScaryRob.)
@HugeLunatic Yeah, there is actually a point to that. Never seen it go to the extent of posting eight posts in a row, though. Two or three, yeah...
DUDE! Really? And then you call me condescending? No, I'm just direct. If I'm not joking, I say exactly what I mean, and I don't sugarcoat it in an attempt to spare someone's feelings. If you want to feel hurt, go right ahead. And if you wanna call me names... fine. Says more about you than about me.
But then, if I had been as serious as you claim to think I was, we wouldn't be discussing this. Because not only would I have banned you, but I would've deleted this thread and the show-n-tell thread as well. Well, did I do those things? No!
(22-11-2020 05:28 PM)ScaryRob Wrote: Are you that overwhelmed in your little backwater website here where this bothers you?
DUDE! Really? And then you call me condescending? No, I'm just direct. If I'm not joking, I say exactly what I mean, and I don't sugarcoat it in an attempt to spare someone's feelings. If you want to feel hurt, go right ahead. And if you wanna call me names... fine. Says more about you than about me.
But then, if I had been as serious as you claim to think I was, we wouldn't be discussing this. Because not only would I have banned you, but I would've deleted this thread and the show-n-tell thread as well. Well, did I do those things? No!
Please be respectful of our "backwater website". We like it. I was a SysOp, in 1988. I had rules too. Don't follow them? I'd throw you out so hard, your Grand children would come out bruised.
Rules, are rules. Obey them, or don't come around. We're all friends here.
@BoilingOil, can seem harsh, but he really isn't. However, as a moderator, he has to enforce the rules. If he doesn't, people start to take advantage. Trust me. If I thought BO was in the wrong, I'd PM him, and try to explain to him, that he should probably back off a little, and why. I would do this as a friend, not as an ass.
I'd also recommend that you handle this the same way. Less chance of you being banned, and don't air this type of grievance in public.
Have a GOOD day, my friend.
Please be respectful of our "backwater website". We like it. I was a SysOp, in 1988. I had rules too. Don't follow them? I'd throw you out so hard, your Grand children would come out bruised.
Rules, are rules. Obey them, or don't come around. We're all friends here.
@BoilingOil, can seem harsh, but he really isn't. However, as a moderator, he has to enforce the rules. If he doesn't, people start to take advantage. Trust me. If I thought BO was in the wrong, I'd PM him, and try to explain to him, that he should probably back off a little, and why. I would do this as a friend, not as an ass.
I'd also recommend that you handle this the same way. Less chance of you being banned, and don't air this type of grievance in public.
Have a GOOD day, my friend.

(25-11-2020 07:50 PM)Kunder Wrote: and don't air this type of grievance in public.
It wasn't a grievance. I thought there was a problem with the website.
Like I said, 28 years online, since 1992, and I've never been accused of anything like this nonsense.
You folks are 110% wrong regarding this, and now you're too proud to admit it, which is laughable. It's a WIP thread, and in every universe I've ever lived in people are expected to see multiple consecutive posts from the same user, as has been pointed out to you folks.
Anyway, I thought this was case closed, but apparently you maladjusted societal snowflakes can't let go of it, so I shall indeed no longer "come around".