Sit down to feed infant
* BoilingOil comforts the Confuzzled Smart-Ass
No, Jim, my friend, please don't cry! You're not a *complete* idiot, you're an *iron-clad* idiot, as in *wearing armor*, which - in my opinion - is rather idiotic!! This site wouldn't be the same without you, and I wouldn't want to miss or hurt you.
No, Jim, my friend, please don't cry! You're not a *complete* idiot, you're an *iron-clad* idiot, as in *wearing armor*, which - in my opinion - is rather idiotic!! This site wouldn't be the same without you, and I wouldn't want to miss or hurt you.
Darnit that I only know how to do static animations and overlays, Bo, or I might have been able to help you out with that part - and animation BHAVs are among the few BHAVs that I actually do know. I think a mod like this sounds like a great idea, but I wouldn't want you to have to touch smelly things left behind by people whose head you'd like to see on a platter. (And now the little creaky wheels in my head started turning when I said "overlays"... hmmm... I'm going to check something, I'll be right back!)
What I'm going to check is if it's possible to run a custom sitting down overlay when the Sim is feeding an infant without the overlay it being overridden - because if that works, you wouldn't have to make an entirely new feeding animation, just have the BHAV call both the feeding anim and the custom sitting down anim. (Then, of course, there would have to be BHAVs telling the Sim to look for a chair first, and that is something I don't know how to do - but I'm guessing/hoping you would. ) I just have to make the anim first, so I'm off to do just that.
This thread has certainly taken off. Little did I know what I had started.
But, hey, if we can *we?* get a sit down to feed baby mod, will that not elevate our street cred?
But, hey, if we can *we?* get a sit down to feed baby mod, will that not elevate our street cred?
I'm sure it will, hon. I'm sure it will. We'd be the Main Gang in the hood for damn certain!