No Walk Away
#1 20-07-2011 
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This is something that happens all the time in my game. The host or hostess begins to dish up dinner. A hungry and impatient guest tries to get at the first dish before she has moved on to the next place. He tells her to Walk Away. She does this, sets the serving dish on the floor, and moves to stare at the wall, forgetting that she was serving food. It happens so often, and I can see it coming. I yell at the screen, but can't stop it. It happens in other situations, too. When sims are clustered and my playable is engaged in important conversation, someone else will command her to Walk Away, and the conversation fails. Is there any way to disable this Walk Away command? It overrides my own commands, and it's not fair!

#2 20-07-2011 
Actually, that's a bit weird, music2ologist.

Any actions your sims perform, are accompanied by a 'priority' flag. User-driven actions (things that you order your sims to do) have a higher priority than any autonomous actions. So, if you've ordered your sim to do a certain thing, autonomous actions by other sims are not supposed to interrupt that, ever.

The only thing that might upset this kind of stuff, is if you have a mod that increases the priority of autonomous actions, or a mod that lowers the priority of user-driven actions.

Please install this file in your downloads, and then run the HCDU (Hack Conflict Detection Utility) which is found in the Sims2 Programs section of Paladin's Place, and see what conflicts it shows. It will also create a file named "hackreport.txt" in its own temp directory. Put that in a zip file, and attach it to your next post (in the help section would be best, I think) or upload it somewhere and give me a link to it... Maybe it helps me sort this out, and maybe it doesn't. If it doesn't, we'll think of a different solution.

#3 20-07-2011 
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Well, I ran the hack conflict detector, and it said there were fifteen possible conflicts. I don't know what to do about that. I suppose I can do without the IndestructableConcreteModularRECOLORABLE but I wouldn't like to give up the Sim Blender. The others were all called Computer Fixes: Play, Turn Off, Sit In Computer Chair, Chair in Use?, Browse Web/Blog, Check Email, Order Photo/Photo Album, Give Financial Advice, Stop Using Computer, Start Using Computer, Give Financial Advice (without the word TEST after it), Interaction - Chat, and finally Start Game Competition. Which of those do you think might be overriding my commands? The simblender?
Sorry, couldn't get the file you wanted. Here's what it said about the simblender:
File Type: BHAV
Procedure Name: Total Hours Pregnant - Update
Group ID: 0x7F1D0F49
Instance ID: 0x00001002
Packages Containing This Procedure:
\downloads\Hacks\Sim Blender.package
\downloads\Hacks\SimBlender\Sim Blender.package

#4 20-07-2011 
You could not get the file? You mean the file I linked to? When *I* click on that link, it's instantly downloaded to my documents folder. It's named "BO - Corrected". Anyway, here's another link.

Once you have installed that file, run HCDU and then find hackreport.txt.
If you go to the folder where you installed HCDU, you'll see another folder, named "temp". THAT's where the hackreport is in... I need to see THAT file. ALL of it.

Because the info that you gave me just now, doesn't tell me anything except that you've installed the Blender TWICE. Remove one of them.

#5 20-07-2011 
BO - I hope its OK - I activated attachments for regular users in this forum.

For music2ologist - you need to hit quick reply - then choose advanced reply - write your post, scroll down and choose an attachment to attach.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#6 20-07-2011 
Lee, that's wonderful! I was actually thinking of requesting the addition of attachments here Smile

Thanks for your anticipation! Heart

#7 20-07-2011 
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There were indeed two simblenders, one a naked package and one in a folder with a text. I deleted the first. I read the text that came with ComputerFixes, and it said 'Only instal one of two packages.' But I had two packages. I deleted both of them. Let's hope that cures the problem. Thank you very much for your help.

#8 20-07-2011 
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I don't know how to make a zip file, but the report is only 5KB long, so I'll append it here.

Attached File(s)
.txt  hackreport.txt (Size: 4.76 KB / Downloads: 617)

#9 20-07-2011 
Don't worry that you didn't know how to zip it... it's not a very long file, so in this case it doesn't matter much.

Removing those double files is a good thing, although you didn't have to remove BOTH computer fixes, but only one of them. But that doesn't matter, either.

Did you do the things in the right order?

1. You must FIRST get that file that I linked to for you.
2. THEN you must unzip that file in your Downloads folder.
3. THEN you must run the HCDU.
4. And AFTER you have done all the things above, THEN you must find the hackreport, and attach it here...

If you didn't do it that way, then we still haven't solved any problems...

#10 21-07-2011 
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I'd like to thank you for your advice. I've played Sims twice since then, and the problem seems to be cured. Now I have learnt to find hack conflicts, I should be more self-reliant!


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