Poll: What Is Your Fave Sims 2 EP Theme Song?
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Which Sims 2 Theme Is Your Fave?
#21 04-10-2011 
Yeah Lee , I know that already. They taught us that in the 6th grade which caused me loads of problems wih people over my sexuality and was another cause as to why I lost my faith in Humanity's future.

#22 04-10-2011 
indeed, but then if all the human race WAS homosexual then we might have a bit of a problem with humanities future for sure Smile

Thank heavens for science huh?
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#23 04-10-2011 
Well I still hold no faith in humankind's future since half of The popular crowd ( AKA the Meda Medas or attention whores in english ) got through middle school and freshman year simply because the teachers didnt want to deal with them again and passed them up for the next teacher to handle .

#24 04-10-2011 
@Lee - I also love the chocolate pop song and another one from Uni that is called "Very Rich Town."

My thread exploded with comments, I so happy! Big Grin

@levini - I love your avatar pic! Pichu Link lol.
[Image: sig55.jpg]

#25 04-10-2011 
This poll was fun, Shane. Big Grin
My fav of the ones I listened to was OFB. Seems upbeat without driving me bananas.
I am like Michelle, I mute all music. I was trying to get some lovely medievalish sounding music to load by but I couldn't get it to work, yet.

#26 05-10-2011 
@xander. Yes it is . It also has the fairy That I dont remember at the mo

#27 05-10-2011 
@levini - I believe the answer you are looking for is "Navi." Navi is the fairy from The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.
[Image: sig55.jpg]

#28 05-10-2011 
Yes Now I remember Xander . That thing annoyed the crap out of me with it's captain obvoiusness .


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