Toddlers use stairs.
#1 06-06-2012 
Yes, I know there is a mod like this, but I want to know can it be made so that toddlers can use stairs, only after they learn to walk?
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#2 06-06-2012 
If you point me to the original, I think I could look into making an alternative version that has an extra test in.

#3 06-06-2012 
It appears that the original mod (On Mod the Sims) has been edited since I last downloaded it, and it now tests for toddlers being able to walk.

This is where it is, anyway.

Sorry to have bothered you with it.

If you think you can improve on it, then by all means, I'll take your version.
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.

#4 06-06-2012 
Oh, THAT one! No, I don't need to look at it... I already have! (I may still have that one lying around somewhere, edited by Zirconia Wolf, with some help from a guy named BoilingOil). But if you experience any kind of trouble, I'll gladly look again.

ETA: I actually have a link for you, where ZW's stair mods are hiding at Simbology.

#5 06-06-2012 
Thank you, that will do nicely.

With mods so spread out, it can be hard to find ones you really want sometimes. I will remember this modder however.
RebaLynn1960, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Apr 2012.


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