Work in Progress - Phoenix Family Makeover.
#1 04-05-2014 
The Phoenix family can be found at SimVannia Waters Blog
They all need updating from Sims2 to Sims2.5 which is what I and a friend have been calling the Sims2 after 2010.

Jimmy Phoenix - Before
[Image: tumblr_n50sfqo4MM1syf1c4o4_1280.jpg]

Jimmy Phoenix - After
[Image: tumblr_n50sfqo4MM1syf1c4o5_r2_500.jpg]

I'm fairly happy with the face here - except that it needs more wrinkles to make it more middle aged - and I don't have any more wrinkles. Links please to good wrinkles.
Also Jimmy's hair in the after is the right shape I think, but is the wrong colour - needs to be more silver.

Zoe Phoenix - Before
[Image: tumblr_n51zi5REXu1syf1c4o4_1280.jpg]

Zoe Phoenix - After
[Image: tumblr_n51zi5REXu1syf1c4o3_r1_500.jpg]

Zoe needs new clothes. And I have no idea what to put her in. Any suggestions gratefully accepted.

When the whole family is done, I'll get better in-game pics.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.

#2 04-05-2014 
I like the new transformed Jimmy.

How old is Zoe supposed to be?
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#3 04-05-2014 
Zoe is older than Jimmy by 8 Sim Days. She needs wrinkles.

They have 4 boys, 2 in their mid-teens, 1 a child, and 1 a toddler. That's Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They're getting makeovers too.

#4 04-05-2014 
So Zoe perhaps needs some greying hair too?
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#5 04-05-2014 
Zoe is a fan of dye. I think she's ok hair wise. But she does need face wrinkles. Jimmy has been silver since Uni. I'd kind of like him to stay Silver.

#6 04-05-2014 
My favourite wrinkles/aging effects to use are by Simple Life (you find them under Downloads Sims 2 -> Bodyshop -> Face Kit). They have some other great masks as well - highlights and shadows, things like that. Smile

#7 04-05-2014 
I think Zoe is very wise Tongue I am fond of dye too, purple dye!
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#8 04-05-2014 
I'm a huge fan of these layerable wrinkles by lolabythebay, from GOS. They're about the middle of the post, so scroll down a bit. Depending on the skintone, type of wrinkles you choose, and number of layers you decide on, they can go from barely noticeable to the picture of Dorian Gray.

#9 04-05-2014 
My go-to wrinkles are these ones by Onah..... but Nix and esme's links look fantastic. I shall be aquiring some new wrinkles now thanks to you guys. Tongue

As for Jimmy's hair, that mesh has a grey but it's only for elders. I could make it available in the custom bin for.... YA and adults I suppose?

#10 04-05-2014 
Fansee - I tried to make a silver/white version but it turned out pretty horrible. Not entirely sure why. I haven't recoloured hair before so I probably did something terribly wrong.

I have downloaded all the wrinkles! Going to try them out now. Big Grin


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