My Latest Crochet
#1 03-12-2019 
[Image: IMG_santa.jpg]

I have this overwhelming urge to make the rest of Santa's kit and a naked santa for the Christmas tree!

The pattern is from Jayda in Stitches on youtube. I ramped it up by using eyelash yarn in white for the borders, and making a belt. The buckle is a yarn marker that has been crocheted around with metallic yarn.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.

#2 03-12-2019 
This is what I see
Quote:[Image: 74473192_10158167049390992_8069207091971...e=5E7DA69E]

No picture, just that text. I had the same issue with a previous post by you... The picture with the tree an cats showed, the one before that gave a text similar to the above.

If I quote your post, though, it shows as

#3 03-12-2019 
@BoilingOil Thanks for letting me know - it looks like it might be a problem with linking to a facebook image. I've uploaded it to my server - does that make a difference?

#4 03-12-2019 
I can see the picture it's so cute and great idea with the eyelash yarn makes it look so fuzzy can't wait to see the rest of the project !

#5 03-12-2019 
(03-12-2019 03:08 PM)celebkiriedhel Wrote:  @BoilingOil Thanks for letting me know - it looks like it might be a problem with linking to a facebook image. I've uploaded it to my server - does that make a difference?

Yes, it does, dear. Thank you! That is one cute santa suit Heart

Oh, btw; When I spoke of a tree and cats, I was clearly not thinking straight... it was a TS2 picture with a tree, a lady and some kids that showed correctly, the shot before it (more crochet) was probably also an fb shot.

#6 04-12-2019 
That is a.d.o.r.a.b.l.e.

#7 04-12-2019 
Sweet! I wanna see the rest of it. Heart

#8 04-12-2019 
Super cuteSmile


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