sims2 #1
Made for a request on the Wishing Tree at GoS. The door has a two tile footprint, but when opened will cover 4 tiles.

The door is repositoried to a custom content arch which is included in the package.

Price: 215, Poly counts: 1434, subsets : 1, Catalogue location : with the rest of the single storey doors.

This door and it's perfect animations cloned from THIS DOOR by d4re . Thank you for permission to clone it Smile
x 17

Please do:
  • Include my objects in your lots
  • Use the objects etc in pictures/machinima/stories
  • Let me know if you recolour one of my items so I can post a link in the upload thread.
Please don't:
  • Share the files as downloads
  • Include my meshes with your recolours unless you ask me first.

You can ask me HERE

Sliding Barn Doors Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 179.77 KB | File Name SlidingBarnDoors.rar | # of Downloads 1,736  
Filesize 179.45 KB | File Name SlidingBarnDoorsOFB.rar | # of Downloads 1,627  
#5 05-11-2018
Thank you all for the comments. I added a feature to this door, let me know if you find it. Wink

#6 08-11-2018
Now I need to make recolors to match the recolors I made for the original arch..

But that's OK with me!!! (Just need to talk myself into dusting off SimPE, etc., etc., lol.)

Editing to say: Forgot!! Thanks Lee!! Big Grin
(This post was last modified: 09-11-2018 12:40 AM by mustluvcatz.)

#7 17-11-2018
Ohhh love this Lee, now to find somewhere to use it!

#8 23-11-2018
WooHoo! A lockable version to try out Smile Thanks so much, Lee!!


Sorry, that is a members only option